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Obey Prokes and Vaccination Accelerate Transition from Pandemic to Endemic


By: Aulia Hawa )*

The public is advised to always obey the Prokes and follow the Covid-19 vaccination. In addition to protecting themselves from the threat of Corona virus transmission, these two things are able to accelerate the transition from pandemic to endemic.

The pandemic has changed everything and made us more aware of our health. In these two years, everyone has become diligent in exercising and eating nutritious foods, and drinking herbal juices and decoctions. The goal is to increase immunity and not easily get Corona. In addition, more attention is paid to environmental hygiene so that it is sterile from the Covid-19 virus.

If you want to avoid Corona, in addition to maintaining health and hygiene, it is also mandatory to vaccinate and obey health protocols (Prokes). Vaccination can strengthen the body’s resistance and if Prokes is disciplined it will avoid the Covid-19 virus. We want the pandemic to end and its status to become endemic, when this disease is only present in certain and limited areas.

Doctor Daeng Fiqih, General Chairperson of the Executive Board of the Indonesian Doctors Association stated, “To overcome the pandemic so that it can transition to endemic, there are several special strategies. The first is the acceleration of vaccination to reach 70%. Vaccinations must be intensified, especially for the elderly.”

In a sense, this number is very important because if at least 70% of Indonesian citizens have been vaccinated, group immunity will be formed so that they are safer from Corona. Currently the vaccination coverage is only around 50% so it must be intensified again. In addition to accelerating the formation of group immunity, at the same time meeting the government’s target, which is a maximum of 18 months from the start of the vaccination program, it must be completed.

To speed up vaccination, mass vaccination is intensified again, of course by complying with health protocols. There are even organizers who give gifts in the form of basic necessities so that people are more enthusiastic about getting vaccine injections. The door to door vaccination which was initially initiated by BIN was also carried out by other agencies so that more people were injected and the status could be changed to endemic.

In addition to vaccination, everyone must obey health protocols, especially wearing masks. It’s a shame that after two years of the pandemic, many people are lazy to wear masks, if someone wears it it will sag and he can’t protect himself from droplets. This phenomenon is certainly annoying because the effectiveness of masks can only be effective if there are 75% of people wearing them in one room.

Though Omicron is already spreading and it is more vicious than delta because it spreads 70 times faster. So wearing a mask is mandatory. In addition, also comply with other points in the health protocol so that you don’t get Omicron or other Corona variants. The reason is because if a lot of people get Corona, the pandemic will be longer in duration so who knows when it will change to endemic status.

One of the health protocols that is still frequently violated is avoiding crowds. It’s a shame that many held large parties and invited hundreds of people, the reason being that while it was not the fasting month yet. Even though during a pandemic, a wedding should be held in a building, the maximum number of guests is 50% of its capacity. Food is also taken home in a box.

We are in a transition period from pandemic status to endemic but don’t be careless, even though the number of Corona patients per day continues to decline. Immediately vaccinate and look for a booster if you have been injected twice. In addition, obey the health protocols to be safe from Omicron or any variant of Corona.

)* The author is a contributor to the Press Circle and Cikini Students

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