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Religious Figures Invite the Public to Maintain Calm After Determination of Regional Election Results


Jakarta – Following the determination of the results of the 2024 Simultaneous Regional Elections, religious leaders in Indonesia have called on the public to maintain peace and harmony in social life. This is important to prevent tension and conflict that could potentially damage social and political stability after the democratic process is completed.
The Head of the Ministry of Religious Affairs of Pandeglang Regency, H. Lukmanul Hakim, reminded the importance of the role of religious leaders in reducing the potential for post-election conflict.
“Religious leaders are responsible for reducing the potential for post-election conflict by revitalizing the values ​​of unity and tolerance through moral and spiritual authority. Because religious leaders are in a strategic position and role as spiritual, moral and ethical pillars in community life,” he said.
Lukmanul emphasized that religious leaders have a very vital role in creating peace and maintaining social harmony, especially in challenging situations such as post-election.
This role, according to Lukmanul, includes moral and spiritual education for the community to prioritize attitudes of mutual respect and tolerance, as well as reminding that political differences should not be a reason to divide society.
Religious Figure Ustadz Softan Tsauri also added that religion plays an important role in easing social tensions and polarization that may arise due to political differences in the Pilkada. “The role of religion is very important, such as toda (youth figures), todat (indigenous community figures), toga (religious figures) are the nodes of society. They also play a role, contributing to maintaining calm, maintaining a sense of comfort and security for all of us,” he said. Ustadz Sofyan emphasized that these community figures must act wisely and avoid worsening the situation by worsening the existing polarization.
Furthermore, Ustadz Sofyan emphasized the importance of collective awareness of society to maintain unity. “The public must also be made aware that we are the Indonesian nation, all of whom are brothers and sisters. Do not make these differences to then divide us as fellow citizens,” he explained.
KH Ubaidullah Shodaqoh, Rais Syuriyah of the Nahdlatul Ulama (PWNU) Central Java Regional Management, also conveyed a similar appeal to NU members in Central Java. He invited all parties to be responsible in maintaining security and peace after the Pilkada. “We must make this election peaceful, calm, so that later the existence of this government will continue, as well as the existence of the nation will continue,” he said.
Kiai Ubaid reminded that the implementation of the Pilkada is a form of worship that must be carried out with good morals and ethics. “Make this Election one of our responsibilities, our worship. Because this is an order, the democracy that we will carry out in this election must be truly moral and ethical,” he said. According to him, the entire state process must be carried out with full responsibility, both in terms of religion, morals, and ethics.
With the invitation from various religious figures, it is hoped that the community can maintain calm and maintain harmony after the Pilkada for the progress of the Indonesian nation and state for the better. [*]

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