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The Lyrics of Himne Guru Have Been Already Changed

Himne Guru teach us to respect to our teacher
Himne Guru teach us to respect to our teacher

Choirul Fuadi, Central Kalimantan, CIDISS – There are a change in the lyrics of Hymns of Guru (Himne Guru). The song was very popular among the student Indonesia turned out the lyrics have changed since 2006. But, in fact, a lot of people have forgotten or have not even knowing the change.

The instruction is also presented the Director General of the teachers and Educational Personnel (Director-GTK) the Ministry of education and culture of Indonesia, Sumarna Surapranata, in the opening competition of Teacher Run competition on the teacher day in the Pasar Seni, Ancol, North Jakarta.

The lyrics are in the last lyrics of the song.

The sentence “engkau patriot pahlawan bangsa, tanpa tanda jasa” has been changed to “engkau patriot pahlawan bangsa, pembangun insan cendekia”.

According to Sumarna, there is a lot of difference with the previous lyrics. He said, the phrase “tanpa tanda jasa” reducing the importance of the teaching profession.

In fact, the role of the teacher is very huge. Replace it with “pembangun insan cendekia (builders)” made the teaching profession is elevated and noble.

He said, the teacher was very instrumental and is the person who built the community.

“So the teacher is a great people, in spite if such tanpa tanda jasa means not meritorious, “said him like in quote in Tribunkalteng.com.

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