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The Warrior of Nationality

Indonesia Nationality from Youth
Indonesia Nationality from Youth

By: Norman Triangga *)

Jakarta, CIDISS – To ensure the upholding Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia and viability of the nation and the state, then “bela negara” is a weapon for the people of Indonesia, as the central point of the nation to be able to carry out development and overcome all forms of threats, challenges, obstacles and interference derived from inside and outside the country.

Basically everyone needs an organization called the state. Thomas Hobbes drawn about human life before the country is “man is a wolf to other humans or Homo Homini Lupus”, if there is no state there will be no order, security, and justice. The state will stand up if maintained by every citizen. Based on the objective conditions like that, it would require the participation of the citizen to participate in defending the country.

Indeed civil defense force in a number of countries to all its citizens. For example Singapore, Taiwan, and South Korea, to impose a model by the name of conscription. Both models are equally aimed at fostering a sense of nationalism. In South Korea, all men conscripted, including citizens who work in the entertainment. Residents were conscripted educated about the military, in addition to its non-physical discipline. World combatants and military units to an emphasis that each citizen is able to take up arms in a crisis situation with other countries. However, a fundamental difference in the program Bela Negara that launched by the government aims to establish a personal discipline to be disciplined and national groups. The emphasis of the program bela negara in the formation of the spirit of nationalism. Not physical matter, but emphasizes understanding the four pillars, the overall defense system, and the introduction of main weaponry system. Plus the value of love of country, conscious of a nation, willing to sacrifice for the country, and the implementation of Pancasila as the state.

In essence, “Bela Negara” is different from conscription. So from the educational pattern was definitely different. Bela Negara is part of the formation of character and national identity. Bela negara not only physically but also mentally and spiritually, namely strengthening the awareness and commitment of the entire nation will be the challenges and threats to the existence of the state.

So, we have to respond to these challenges with a commitment to defend the country. This implies that to maintain and secure the obligation of the state not only military and police, but also the duty of every citizen of Indonesia, including us as civilians as well as Indonesian citizens.

Defending the country is the responsibility of every citizen, regardless of his position, whatever the circumstances and wherever we live. If only every nation participating in defending the country, certainly Indonesia will soon be able to catch up with other nations. In other words, we will soon be able to sit at low and stand equally with other nations. [NT]

*) Jakarta Contributor

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