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Filling the Transitional Period of the New Criminal Code, Mahupiki Intensifies Outreach to Pontianak


Pontianak — The Indonesian Criminal Law and Criminology Society (Mahupiki) and Tanjungpura University held a socialization of the National Criminal Code (KUHP) at the Mercure Hotel Pontianak City Center, West Kalimantan, Wednesday (18/1/2023).

On that occasion, Mahupiki stated that the original legal system made by the nation’s children has accommodated many public aspirations.

Secretary General (Secretary General) of the Indonesian Criminal Law and Criminology Society (Mahupiki), Dr. Ahmad Sofian stressed that the entire process of drafting the National Criminal Code had gone through many public aspirations.

“The National Criminal Code has been initiated by intergenerational figures, the Government and the Indonesian Parliament, which accommodates all public aspirations,” he said.

Therefore, because for more than 100 years the Indonesian nation has used a legal system made by the Dutch colonialists, according to him, now society should be proud of the birth of the National Criminal Code.

This is because the old Criminal Code had many irrelevant matters, so it was very important to have an update.

“We are proud of Law No. 1/2023, the President of the Republic of Indonesia, Joko Widodo, has ratified this law. And the DPR RI has also promulgated it in December 2022, from the previous Criminal Code Bill to become the Criminal Code Law. Because for more than 100 years we have continued to use the Criminal Code made by the Dutch colonialists, so it is very important to reform it,” added Secretary General Mahupiki.

In the same vein, the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs at the University of Tanjungpura (UNTAN), Dr Ir. Radian revealed that reform is very important to further strengthen the existence of law in the country.

In addition, the National Criminal Code has also provided legal certainty and presented harmonization of national values.

“Academicians play an important role in providing a lot of input related to law. As a rule of law country, we need reform to strengthen the existence of law in Indonesia. The National Criminal Code is able to overcome legal uncertainty in Indonesia,” he explained.

Meanwhile, when presenting his material in the socialization of the National Criminal Code, Professor of the Faculty of Law, Semarang State University (UNNES), Prof. Dr. R Benny Riyanto stated that a public hearing process had been carried out in the preparation of the original legal system made by the nation’s children.

“The National Criminal Code was born through a public hearing process so that it accommodates all aspirations from all elements of society. So we have to carry out what has become our decision together, “he explained.

According to him, it is very important to have socialization to fill the 3-year transitional period after the ratification of the National Criminal Code to the public so that they are able to provide a complete understanding.

On the same occasion, Professor of the Faculty of Law, University of Indonesia (UI), Prof. Dr. Topo Santoso said that the National Criminal Code has accommodated many conformities with the times.

“In Chapter I in Book I, now it has accommodated many changes in modern times, which were not covered in the old Criminal Code, as well as other principles that also accommodate many developments in modern times,” he concluded.

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