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Support the Active Role of the Community in Helping the Government Prevent Drug Distribution


By: Abidin Sahab)*

Drug abuse continues to be a serious challenge for Indonesia. Not only does it have a negative impact on individuals, but it also destroys social order and weakens national resilience. The government through the National Narcotics Agency (BNN) and law enforcement officers have made various prevention and enforcement efforts. However, these efforts require support from all elements of society.

Head of BNNK Sleman, Senior Commissioner of Police Teguh Tri Prasetyo emphasized the importance of public involvement in the war against drugs. Education is an effective first step in preventing drug trafficking. Early education about the dangers of drugs must be carried out, both in schools and in the family environment.

In addition to education, the role of local communities is also very strategic. Community groups can act as the vanguard to monitor suspicious activities in their environment. Public reporting is an important element in breaking the chain of drug trafficking. However, many are still reluctant to report because they are worried about their safety. BNN has provided a hotline service and an anonymous reporting application to protect the identity of the reporter. This effort is expected to increase the courage of the community in reporting illegal activities.

Deputy Chief of Drug Investigation Unit of North Jakarta Police, AKP Rumangga Putratama Napitupulu said that technology is also an effective tool in efforts to eradicate drugs. The government utilizes social media to disseminate information about the dangers of drugs. On the other hand, the public can also use digital platforms to support anti-drug campaigns. The younger generation as active users of social media has an important role in disseminating positive messages. With collaboration between the public and the government, technology can be a powerful weapon against drug abuse.

One approach that can be integrated is strengthening early detection systems at the community level. The government can work with local communities to form special monitoring units that are trained to recognize indications of drug abuse in their area. These units can be equipped with rapid access to law enforcement services, so that handling the drug threat can be done more quickly and effectively. This approach also increases the sense of collective responsibility in the community, creating an environment that is more responsive to the drug threat.

Increasing public awareness of the dangers of drugs also requires ongoing efforts from the government and the media. The mass media has an important role in disseminating educational information and inspiring stories about individuals or communities who have successfully escaped the trap of drugs. With constructive narratives, the public can be more motivated to take part in prevention efforts. The media is a very effective information bridge, especially to reach the younger generation. Collaboration with local media can expand the reach of information at the community level.

In addition, the government also needs to continue to encourage community economic empowerment programs. Economically vulnerable environments are often easy targets for drug syndicates. Skills training programs and providing business capital to underprivileged communities can reduce their risk of getting caught up in illegal activities such as drug trafficking.

On the other hand, family-based approaches must also be continuously strengthened. The government and community organizations can provide family guidance programs to help parents understand the dangers of drugs and how to detect early signs of use among teenagers. This kind of guidance not only focuses on the prevention aspect, but also provides psychological support to families whose members are caught up in drugs, so that they can restore their lives together.

Advisory Board of the National Anti-Narcotics Movement (Granat), Togar Sianipar said that instilling positive values ​​in the family is also an important foundation in drug prevention efforts. Parents have a big role in shaping children’s character and being good role models.

The active role of the community is the main key in combating drug trafficking. Strong collaboration between the community, government, and various other stakeholders will create a safer environment free from the threat of drugs. Let’s work together to keep Indonesia clean from the dangers of drugs, for a better future.

The various challenges faced in eradicating drugs show that a sustainable and adaptive approach is essential. One step that can be taken is to strengthen synergy between institutions, both governmental and non-governmental, to create holistic policies. For example, there needs to be closer coordination between the BNN, the police, the Ministry of Education, and the Ministry of Social Affairs to develop an integrated program that includes aspects of prevention, rehabilitation, and community empowerment. With this integration, the steps taken become more focused and have a significant impact.

In addition, strengthening the law is also an important element in combating drugs. Strict law enforcement against drug trafficking syndicates must be accompanied by protection of witnesses and reporters. This effort not only provides a sense of security to the community who dare to report, but also signals that the state will not compromise with drug crimes. On the other hand, a legal system that focuses on rehabilitation for victims of drug abuse can help them become productive individuals again. With this approach, not only is the chain of drug trafficking broken, but victim recovery can also be carried out effectively, supporting the creation of a healthier and more empowered society.

)* The author is a postgraduate student living in Bandung.

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