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Job Creation Perppu is Important for Indonesia, Observer: Strategic Policy to Face the Global Economic Recession


Jakarta-Trisakti University public policy observer, Trubus Rahadiansyah considers that Government Regulation in Lieu of Law (Perppu) No. 2 of 2022 concerning Job Creation is urgently needed by Indonesia.

Not without reason, according to him, the Job Creation Perppu is able to be a solution to the current economic recession and global challenges. As well as very capable of filling the legal vacuum needed by investors.

“Indonesia needs a large investment to build various needs according to the State Budget. The existence of Perppu Ciptaker is strategic to face global challenges and economic recession. This rule is urgently needed to fill the legal vacuum, because investors really need legal certainty,” said Trubus

Added to this is the geopolitical conflict between Russia and Ukraine, which has exacerbated the global recession, so it is important to take immediate action.

Furthermore, Trubus explained that in the Job Creation Perppu also all employment issues have been completely regulated.

“This Perppu has also accommodated all employment issues, such as issues of wages, leave, workers’ rights, and others,” continued Trubus.

Regarding the objections to the Perppu Ciptaker from a number of labor and employment associations, Trubus considers this to be reasonable. Because every time a new policy or rule emerges, dynamics will emerge.

In fact, according to him, the presence of pros and cons means that Indonesia is a country that upholds the principles of democracy.

“If someone disagrees, that’s only natural. Every new regulation has its pros and cons. This is called democracy, there are those who agree and disagree, “concluded Trubus.

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