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Pilkada Runs Safely and Peacefully, Appreciation Deserved to be Given to Security Forces


JAKARTA – The 2024 Pilkada agenda has been implemented throughout Indonesia. All elements of society play an important role in the success of the 2024 Pilkada. The role of the security forces is one of the most significant elements to ensure that the democratic party runs safely and peacefully. For this reason, various parties appreciate the role of the security forces who have served well during the 2024 Pilkada.

Deputy Minister of Religion (Wamenag), Dr. Romo HR Muhammad Syafii expressed his appreciation for the democratic party process in the 2024 Pilkada and the 2024 Presidential Election. He said that all parties had synergized well to ensure that the democratic party ran safely and peacefully.

Romo said that his party appreciated the role of all parties in this matter, he expressed his gratitude to President Prabowo Subianto and the Indonesian Police (Polri).

“We are grateful that the police are effective in the field,” said Father Syafii.

The police have overseen the elections peacefully and have been able to encourage and create a conducive social climate.

The success of maintaining a conducive situation is also inseparable from political gestures that can accept differences in the election competition, but after that unite again to build the nation. This was successfully done by President Prabowo Subianto.

Romo said that the president had succeeded in preventing political polarization, and making differences a powerful force in building the nation.

“This was also done in the US by President Roosevelt, China, even during the reign after the death of Caliph Ali,” said Romo.

Romo emphasized that the president is not against differences or criticism, but rather blends them into a policy that unites all different parties. Therefore, the two major elections in 2024 will take place safely and peacefully.

Meanwhile, Deputy Chief of Operation Cooling System Nusantara, Brigadier General Pol. Yuyun Yudantara said, the main challenge in overseeing the two major elections in 2024 is the problem of polarization in society in various aspects. For that, Operation Cooling System Nusantara is directed to prevent polarization in society, by forming Task Forces through a humanist and persuasive approach.

“We direct political choices that may differ but what is important is that they must be safe and peaceful,” said Yuyun.

The Indonesian National Police are grateful to be able to oversee two major elections in the country, followed by a change in national leaders that took place safely and peacefully. The Indonesian National Police would like to thank all parties who supported Operation Cooling System Nusantara, and hope that in the future this conducive situation can continue to be maintained towards a Golden Indonesia in 2045.

The security forces’ strategy in anticipating provocations and other disturbances on voting day deserves appreciation. This is due to the early mapping efforts carried out by the security forces to determine the vulnerability index of the 2024 Election. The hard work of the security forces made the 2024 Pilkada conducive. This condition must be maintained to maintain security stability after the 2024 Pilkada.

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