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Create a Conducive Situation in Papua, Appreciate Law Enforcement for KST Papua


Jayapura – Continuing to strive to create a conducive situation in Bumi Cenderawasih, all Indonesian people should give very high appreciation for the performance of law enforcement officials to crack down on the Papuan Separatist and Terrorist Group (KST).

 KST Papua has again carried out a series of brutal and heinous acts. One of his latest actions was the burning of a house next to the Telkom Tower in Kampung Kago on Saturday (18/2). Not only that, KST also opened fire on joint TNI and Polri officers who were guarding the community in Nipuralome Village, Ilaga District, Puncak Regency.

The KST atrocity occurred when public memory was still focused on the brutal actions of the separatist group that burned down the Susi Air plane on February 7 2023. Not only burning it, KST also took the pilots and passengers of the ill-fated plane hostage.

Previously, KST also shot civilians who work as garage workers in the Bilogai area, Sugapa District, Intan Jaya Regency, Central Papua Province on Monday, January 30 2023.

Not only that, but there was also an attack on residents by members of KST Papua led by Numbuk Telenggen on Monday 23 January 2023. The attack by the separatist and terrorist groups eventually killed a citizen from South Sulawesi.

Meanwhile, a series of terror acts have also continued to be carried out by KST Papua who call themselves the XXXV/East Star Military Command, which has been led by Ananias Ati Mimin in Oksibil District, Gunung Bintang Regency, Central Papua Province since the beginning of 2023.

As a result of a series of heinous acts of terror which were continuously carried out by KST Papua in a brutal manner, the people in the local area became very restless. It is known that acts of terror carried out by separatist and terrorist groups in Bumi Cenderawasih have even occurred since January 7, 2023, in which they shot a motorcycle taxi driver, which in turn immediately triggered gunfire with security forces consisting of joint personnel. Indonesian National Armed Forces (TNI) with the Indonesian National Police (Polri).

With the many series of terror incidents that continue to be carried out by KST Papua, the Head of the Public Relations Division of the National Police, Inspector General of Police Dedi Prasetyo conveys a request to all people in Bumi Cenderawasih to work together to maintain a conducive situation in the Land of Papua.

Inspector General of Police Dedi Prasetyo emphasized that the public should not be instigated by issues of independence originating from groups that really want to divide the unity and integrity of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia (NKRI), especially in the Land of Papua.

He said that the National Police through the Papua Regional Police were still maintaining security in Cenderawasih Earth. Despite all the efforts made by the National Police, according to him the security and order situation in Papua will be stable if the community continues to work together to prevent and sort out incidents, as well as news that is circulating, especially when the news is still unclear as to the truth.

According to him, it is very important to involve Papuan leaders so they can continue to provide education and understanding to all people, so that they do not easily follow separatist and terrorist groups with issues of independence initiated by the Free Papua Organization (OPM).

The Head of the Public Relations Division of the National Police then appealed to the whole community to be able to continue to provide moral support for all law enforcement processes carried out by security forces in cracking down on KST Papua, and to prevent the spread of hoaxes. According to him, all parties must be able to build cooperation and communication to make Papua better.

Meanwhile, Danrem 172/PWY, Brig. Firmly, he gave two alternatives for the group led by Ananias Ati, namely to immediately stop making terror and surrender or immediately prepare to be arrested.

Brigadier General Jo Sembiring revealed that the order from the TNI leadership was very clear to his staff, namely to chase and arrest. This is of course done in order to continue to create a conducive situation in Gunung Bintang Regency.

The Danrem 172/PWY also explained that currently there are already law enforcement steps against this separatist and terrorist group. According to him, the security forces absolutely could not allow the group to continue carrying out their acts of terror, because what KST Papua had done was very inhumane. With all the firmness expressed by the security forces in responding to the Papua KST, it is indeed very natural that all Indonesian people give the highest possible appreciation in order to continue to create conducive conditions in Cenderawasih Earth from all threats of disunity which seriously disturb the stability of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia.

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