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Deputy Minister of Manpower Calls Perppu Ciptaker Strengthen Homeland Economic FundamentalsVice Minister if Labour


Jakarta — Deputy Minister of Manpower, Afriansyah Noor explained that Perppu Number 2 of 2022 concerning Job Creation signed by President Jokowi was able to strengthen the fundamentals of the country’s economy.

This was conveyed in the National Webinar entitled “Perppu for Job Creation and Economic Resilience” which was held by the Moya Institute on Friday (3/3).

“With the Perppu Ciptaker, it is able to help strengthen the fundamentals of the national economy to continue to maintain competitiveness. With the high uncertainty of the world economy, it continues to encourage us to be able to adapt to change,” he added

Not only that, the Wamenaker also explained that the Job Creation Perppu aims to guarantee that all people can get rewards and fair and proper treatment in work relations.

“In it the Job Creation Perppu also contains other employment substances regulated in the Ciptaker Law, such as those related to foreign workers, work agreements for a certain time and so on.” he continued

Wamenaker Afriansyah also denied reports that the Perppu Ciptaker allows employers to enter into Specific Time Work Agreements (PKWT) or lifetime contracts.

“Regarding the PKWT issue, it turns out that there is no true discourse that seems like PKWT can be contracted for life. This is clear in the Job Creation Perppu,” he added.

Meanwhile, Professor of Business Law at Gadjah Mada University (UGM), Prof. Nindyo Pramono also explained that the Perppu Cipta Kerja was formed to anticipate various disruptions and changes in global geopolitics.

“The world is currently facing a lot of disruptions, this is the long-lasting impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, including climate change and the wars between Russia and Ukraine. So to be able to deal with all of these conditions, the government issued a Job Creation Perppu,” he explained.

On the same occasion, Political Observer and Postgraduate Lecturer at Pelita Harapan University, Dr. Emrus Sihombing considers that the existence of these regulations is able to build optimism in employment.

“In accordance with the name of this law, namely Job Creation, so as to create jobs. So in the future the Indonesian people will no longer apply for jobs abroad, instead there will be many people who set up businesses,” he said.

Not only that, Dr. Emrus is also optimistic that the existence of the Job Creation Perppu will have a significant impact on economic growth in the country in the future.

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