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Discussion held, Moya Institute: Perppu Ciptaker Solutions to Advance the Economy


Jakarta — The Moya Institute again held a discussion discussing the impact of the Perppu on Job Creation on economic resilience.

The Deputy Minister of Manpower, Afriansyah Noor, was also present at the discussion; UGM Professor of Business Law, Prof. Nindyo Pramono and Political Observer, Emrus Sihombing,

Regarding the importance of the Perppu on Job Creation, Wamenaker Afriansyah explained that this regulation was born in the midst of global economic turmoil as well as the need to create quality jobs.

“Indonesia itself still needs quality job creation, because it has an ever-increasing number of workforce. Especially with the Covid-19 pandemic, more and more people are experiencing unemployment,” he said in a discussion held on Friday (3/3)

Not only being able to create quality jobs, the Perppu Ciptaker also aims to strengthen economic fundamentals.

Wamaker Afriansyah also corrected the information that Perppu Ciptaker reduced workers’ rest hours. He himself explained that the issue was not true because the regulation depended on the company.

“Another central issue is severance pay, which seems to be abolished. This is absolutely not true because the Job Creation Perppu still regulates severance pay,” he added

Meanwhile, UGM Academician, Prof. Nindyo Pramono explained the importance of implementing the Perppu Ciptaker which was compiled using the omnibus law method in order to summarize the overlapping regulations.

According to him, this is a breakthrough because if it is done conventionally it will take a long time.

“There are around 78 laws and if they are completed using conventional methods it will take around 17 years. Therefore, the omnibus law method is used,” he said.

He said Indonesia needed investment because in reality investment was needed by all countries.

“Indonesia needs investment in addition to capital as well as transferring knowledge and technology,” added Prof. Nindyo

On the same occasion, Political Observer, Emrus Sihombing, explained that based on his view, Indonesia would experience a shortage of manpower if the regulation was implemented optimally.

How could it not be, because the Ciptaker Law made it very easy for MSME actors to be able to develop with a simple bureaucratic flow.

“It’s not just related to employment, but the Indonesian people don’t have to look for work abroad anymore and we will even be able to absorb workers from abroad,” he said.

Then, the existence of these clear rules can also build optimism in the country’s economic growth.

“There are many benefits from the issuance of the Job Creation Perppu, the main thing is that MSME actors will greatly benefit because of the ease of licensing so that it really gives birth to hope and optimism for them,” he continued.

Meanwhile, Director of the Moya Institute Heri Sucipto said that the Perppu Ciptaker was considered important because it became one of the solutions to the stalemate of legal and labor issues under President Jokowi’s leadership. Not only that, the Perppu Ciptaker is also a solution to advancing the economy.

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