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Academics: Job Creation Perppu Really Protects Workers’ Rights


JAKARTA – An academic who is also a lecturer at the Pelita Harapan University (UPH) Postgraduate Program, Emrus Sihombing, stated that the Government Regulation in lieu of a Job Creation Law (Perppu) protects workers. One such protection is the rights of women workers.

“When they have their period every month, they are protected and given a chance. Likewise with the right to leave for husbands when the wife gives birth. Many of the rights presented are for the welfare of the community,” Emrus said in the Trijaya Hot Topic Week program with friends “Pros Against Perppu Ciptaker”, Tuesday (14/3/2023).

Emrus added, another protection is when workers experience termination of employment (PHK). In terms of layoffs, it is not easy for companies to do layoffs because the government is required to be able to solve problems when there is a possibility of layoffs and employers are required to pay severance pay.

Emrus, who is also the Spokesperson for the Team for Absorbing Aspirations for the Job Creation Law, explained that from the standpoint of national economic stability, the Job Creation Law and the Ciptaker Perppu, according to what was conveyed by the professor of business law from Gadjah Mada University (UGM), contain two absolute things.

First, after being issued to date, labor absorption is better. Second, investment inflows from abroad to Indonesia are increasing. This is a solution to the problem of job absorption which has been a problem so far. Then the influx of capital from abroad is very significant. Foreign capital enters Indonesia to grow business fields or companies.

“Let’s look at various countries in the world looking for capital for their respective countries in the midst of economic difficulties. During the Covid era, investment in Indonesia has actually increased. In line with the enactment of the Job Creation Law and also what has become the Perppu on Job Creation, until now everything is running,” he said.

He added, if later the Constitutional Court (MK) declares that the Ciptaker Law is conditionally unconstitutional, it means that it is not the article that is problematic but the procedure. According to Emrus, the Ciptaker Law is based on the content, content and materials are very good. He gave an example, if there is a scientific study related to the content of one article after another and the integration of various regulations in one omnibuslaw, that is a positive thing.

“For example, individual PTs can already be made. Within that we make government regulations that make it easier to form a limited company and we also give the opportunity for the younger generation at that age to have their own company. So that the younger generation can establish businesses in the creative field. Can be in the field of computer applications. In fact, there is one example in the younger generation, namely in the field of communication, for example, podcasts. It was something extraordinary,” he said.

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