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BIN Provides a Place for Development of Young Papuan Human Resources Through PYCH


By : Rebecca Marian )*

BIN has provided a platform for the development of human resources (HR) for youth in the Land of Papua, namely by providing support to build the Papua Youth Creative Hub (PYCH) building, which will also have an impact on improving people’s welfare.

So far, as if there is still a negative stigma about how development is in Indonesia, it cannot be denied that this happened because the Government of the Republic of Indonesia (RI) before the era of President Joko Widodo’s leadership was still too focused on developing and developing. on the island of Java alone or commonly known as Jawacentric.

In fact, with this in mind, other regions outside Java Island are increasingly lagging behind so that there is also an economic gap, including the gap in human resources (HR) in areas outside Java Island.

But now, slowly since the era of President Jokowi’s leadership and also getting the full support of the Head of the Republic of Indonesia’s State Intelligence Agency (BIN), General Pol (Purn) Budi Gunawan. The stigma that considers that development in the country is only centered on the island of Java is increasingly disappearing, along with a strong commitment and also real work with a number of development programs starting from the West to the East of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia (NKRI), then development is starting to become more evenly distributed and felt by the entire community in a real way.

In particular, for the Land of Papua itself, progress is starting to be clearly seen and the benefits are also being felt by the people there. Starting in terms of the infrastructure itself, then there is an increase in people’s welfare, which the Government of Indonesia continues to do by opening up the isolated area and also continuing to increase access to connectivity from land and multimodal.

Papua even now has roads, bridges, settlements and a number of other public facilities which can be said to be in no way inferior to facilities in other big cities in Indonesia.

Not only limited to infrastructure, but on the other hand, the development that is taking place in the Land of Papua is also accompanied by equity and an increase in the quality of the human resources (HR) found there. The reason is, indeed HR itself is something that can be said to be very important and deserves to be continuously fought for.

Due to the existence of good quality human resources, this ability will also automatically have a good impact on all people in Cenderawasih Earth, especially the ability to manage natural resources (SDA) which is indeed very abundant and rich which is owned by the Land of Papua.

One of the efforts to develop the quality of human resources in Papua, carried out by the Head of BIN, Gen. Pol (Purn) Budi Gunawan, is specifically aimed at young people in Bumi Cenderawasih, namely through the construction of the Papua Youth Creative Hub (PYCH) Building, which is a the center of the development of many young talents and is also projected to become a forum for gathering all outstanding young human resources in Papua, even from various cross-disciplines.

It is hoped that the existence of the PYCH Building, which was initiated by BIN, will be able to make a real and widespread contribution to reducing unemployment to poverty in Papua. The efforts of BIN have also been directly approved by President Jokowi, that he hopes that in the future the Papua Youth Creative Hub will be able to become a driving force as well as a center for developing young human resources and talents in Papua.

The PYCH building, which was built in a grand and luxurious manner with a traditional nuance, will indeed be used and utilized by young Papuans in their creations, collaborations and self-development. Papua Youth Creative Hub is an initiative by BIN to be able to advance the younger generation in Cenderawasih Earth.

Head of BIN Gen. Pol (Purn) Budi Gunawan also explained that the PYCH Building has very complete facilities, starting from the lobby, Papua blend coffee shop, co-working space, library, gallery, minimarket, MSME shop, training room to prayer room. Then for the second floor there is a convention hall, secretariat office, music art room, entertainment, language room, coding and programming room, entrepreneurship room and counseling room in the health sector.

Development of human resources (HR) for youth in the Land of Papua is very important to continue to support the improvement of people’s welfare in Cenderawasih Earth. Therefore, BIN continues to provide a platform for this development through its support for the construction of the PYCH building.

) * The author is a Papuan student living in Jakarta 

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