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Development of IKN Increases Competitiveness with Other Countries


By : Putri Dewi Nathania )*

The development of the National Capital City (IKN) of the Archipelago in East Kalimantan is capable of increasing the competitiveness of the Indonesian people’s human resources (HR) with other countries. This is because there is also a change in mindset, so that it is not only physical development that is being carried out.

IKN is a form of change in Indonesian civilization by presenting an Indonesia-centric development concept. Through the development of IKN, President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) said that development and high regional economic figures will no longer be concentrated only on the island of Java.

In addition, the President also stressed that moving the capital city to the archipelago was Indonesia’s move to build a new work culture, mindset and economic base. According to the President, as a big country, Indonesia must have the courage to have a big agenda to move forward for the progress of the nation. If indeed Indonesia does not immediately make improvements and transformation from now on, then the dream of becoming a developed country will become even more difficult to realize.

The President also explained that IKN is the future of Indonesia which can be realized with the joint efforts of all parties, including investors. For this reason, the Indonesian government opens opportunities for investors to participate in realizing the transformation of Indonesian civilization.

The Minister of Finance, Sri Mulyani Indrawati stated that indeed Indonesia really needs to have economic justice. This is because in Indonesia there are 17 thousand islands, and not just 1 (one) island. Therefore, there must be equality of development, equity of development, which is all trying to be realized with the presence of IKN Nusantara.

According to Sri Mulyani, to be able to realize progress and even distribution of development, according to Sri Mulyani, of course it will not be possible if it is carried out only by the efforts of the Government, but requires the efforts of all parties, including investors who make investments.

The IKN Nusantara development project is targeted to be completed in 15 years. President Jokowi appreciates the support of the Banjar Malay community for the development of the National Archipelago’s IKN. President Jokowi also hopes that the Malay-Banjar community can continue to play an active role in the development of the IKN. President Jokowi invites all parties to work and pray to realize the development of the Archipelago National Institute of Science in East Kalimantan.

In fact, the development of the Archipelago IKN is not only capable of realizing equity, but according to President Jokowi, precisely with the presence of the Archipelago IKN it will become a gateway for development on the island of Kalimantan as well.

Jokowi also explained that the development of the National Archipelago National Park was not only realized by the Government in the form of moving physical buildings with the construction of only new buildings. But instead, the IKN development project aims to be able to foster new ways of working and mindsets in serving the community and being able to compete with human resources (HR) from other countries.

On another occasion, the Deputy for Economic Affairs of the Ministry of National Development Planning/Bappenas, Amalia Adininggar Widyasanti explained that in the future, East Kalimantan’s economy will be based on value creation and will become part of the IKN superhub.

He added, there are several strategies for transforming the Indonesian economy through the transfer of IKN. First, regarding human resources (HR) can increase their competitiveness. Second, regarding the economic sector, Third, the existence of a green economy, Fourth, digital economy, Fifth, integration of the domestic economy and Sixth, the transfer of IKN itself.

On the other hand, the Governor of East Kalimantan H Isran Noor said that in the economic and social recovery in East Kalimantan, we must be able to make smart use of the plan to move the new IKN to East Kalimantan. The IKN Law has been included in the priority national legislation program since 2022. And President Joko Widodo wants the draft of the IKN Law to be immediately discussed by the DPR-RI.

Previously, Expert Staff to the Minister of Government Affairs of the Ministry of Home Affairs, Dr. H. Suhajar Diantoro said that based on the review of the Minister of Home Affairs, East Kalimantan’s RPJMD had to make changes. Dynamics must be carried out according to the development of the strategic environment which also changes.

With the suitability of the dynamics that occur, it also indicates that indeed development planning in East Kalimantan Province is responsive and adaptive to changes in strategic environmental conditions and other conditions.

Of course the construction and transfer of the IKN from Jakarta to East Kalimantan, is not just a physical transfer or development, but rather it is able to increase the competitiveness of human resources with other countries, because it is also balanced with a change in a new mindset.

)* The author is a contributor to the Perkasa Media Institute

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