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The election schedule is not disturbed by the Prima Party decision


Jakarta — The General Election Commission (KPU) emphasized that the entire schedule for the 2024 Election stages was not at all disturbed by the Bawaslu decision in favor of the Adil Makmur Party (Prima).

It is known that in the decision issued by the Bawaslu, they ordered the KPU to again give time for the Prima Party to carry out a re-administration verification for 10 days.

The Coordinator of the KPU’s Election Implementation Technical Division, Idham Holik, admitted that his party was actually used to working on several stages simultaneously so that the stages of the 2024 Election would not be disturbed by the decision.

“In carrying out the stages of holding elections, we always use the implementation of simultaneous, concurrent, parallel stages,” he said.

Furthermore, not only are they used to carrying out many stages simultaneously, but now the KPU also has more troops in the face of the 2024 Election.

Then for the Prima Party itself, Idham added that the KPU now has a Voting Committee (PPS) at the sub-district level.

So that with PPS, it can be deployed if it turns out that the Prima Party passes the re-administration verification to proceed to the factual verification stage.

“In the past, when we carried out factual verification, PPS had not been formed. Now our infrastructure exists down to the village level to reach members of the political parties concerned,” he explained.

Meanwhile, the Director General for Politics and Public Administration (Dirjen Polpum) of the Ministry of Home Affairs (Kemendagri), Bahtiar also stressed that the Bawaslu decision would not interfere with the ongoing 2024 Election stages.

“So, whatever happens after this, we really hope it won’t disrupt the 2024 election stages,” he said.

Bahtiar explained that in fact the Prima Party itself had participated in the election dispute application process in accordance with Law (UU) Number 7 of 2017.

However, the steps attempted by the Prima Party were rejected by the Bawaslu and the State Administrative Court (PTUN).

So, the PTUN decision should be the last step and there is no other step for the resolution of the Prima Party dispute.

“The PTUN decision should be the final legal step for the dispute resolution process for Prima,” he said.

It is contained in Article 471 paragraph (7) in Law no. 7/2017 that PTUN decisions are final and binding and no other legal remedies can be taken.

Even so, the government continues to respect the entire legal process, including whatever decisions have been made.

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