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Prabowo-Gibran Government Shows Real Commitment to Accelerating IKN Development


By: Dhita Karuniawati)*

The Prabowo-Gibran government continues to show real commitment in continuing the development of the Indonesian Capital City (IKN). The development of the IKN development project located in Penajam Paser Utara, East Kalimantan is increasingly rapid. A number of infrastructure projects have begun construction, including the construction of access roads, government buildings, and residential areas. The continuation of the IKN development is certainly supported by various parties so that it is in accordance with the target.

The Indonesian Capital Authority (IKN) has designed two measurable goals that are the targets for IKN development. These goals are expected to be a marker of significant progress in realizing IKN as a new, modern center of government and economy. Head of IKN Authority Basuki Hadimuljono explained that the two measurable goals are in 2025 and 2028.

In 2025, the IKN Authority will prepare housing, offices and supporting facilities such as water, electricity, and shops that will allow ASN to live in the IKN. However, the relocation of ASN depends on the direction of the Ministry of State Apparatus Empowerment and Bureaucratic Reform (PANRB).

Meanwhile, in 2028, the IKN Authority will complete infrastructure development for the legislative and judicial sectors, including offices and residences for its officials. To accelerate the development of the IKN as a new center of government, strategic steps need to be taken, especially in mature infrastructure development planning and increasing investment.

The IKN Authority is also almost ready to sign the report to the President. The Minister of Public Works will also report soon for the inauguration, while the IKN Authority will submit a report for the groundbreaking. There will be around 4 to 5 groundbreakings involving the construction of schools, restaurants, and offices. This is in line with President Prabowo’s direction in the 2025-2029 RPJMN Musrenbangnas, which emphasizes the importance of the Pancasila economic principle in the development of the IKN.

Head of the Indonesian Capital Authority (OIKN) Basuki Hadimuljono claimed that infrastructure, ranging from housing, water, electricity networks, are ready to be used if the ASN transfer is carried out in April 2025 or after Eid al-Fitr. However, this decision depends on the Ministry of Empowerment of State Civil Apparatus and Bureaucratic Reform (PANRB).

There are 7 infrastructures in the IKN that have been completed and are ready to be inaugurated by President Prabowo Subianto. Some of them are the Garuda Palace and its supporting buildings, as well as two toll road sections, namely Section 3B KKT Kariangau – Simpang Tempadung and Section 5A Simpang Tempadung – Pulau Balang Bridge. In addition, the Office of the Ministry of State Secretariat of the Republic of Indonesia, the Office of Coordinating Ministries 1, 2, and 4, the Integrated Waste Disposal Site (TPST), and the Sepaku Drinking Water Supply Spam (SPAM) Main Distribution Network (JDU) and Distribution Network (JDP). The inauguration of the project has been proposed by the Ministry of Public Works.

The Ministry of State Civil Apparatus Empowerment and Bureaucratic Reform (Kemenpan RB) will try to get incentives for ASN who move to the Indonesian Capital City or IKN. However, for now the transfer is still awaiting direction from President Prabowo Subianto.

Minister of PANRB, Rini Widyantini, said the government is formulating budget incentives to accelerate promotions for ASN who will move to the IKN. Rini has not been able to announce the amount of budget incentives for ASN because it is still being reviewed with the Minister of Finance. However, she said that providing similar incentives is like providing incentives for doctors who work in remote, outermost and remote areas (3T). In providing incentives, the government also calculates the cost of living in the IKN, including accelerating promotions for ASN who meet the qualifications.

Meanwhile, Deputy for Funding and Investment of OIKN, Agung Wicaksono said that the commitment of various parties to invest in the archipelago is getting stronger, as evidenced by the enthusiasm of prospective investors who visited and sent letters of intent (LOI) to the IKN Authority. The implementation of the groundbreaking involved one pure foreign investor, two foreign partnerships, and two domestic investors. Investors who join IKN are not ordered, but are called to build IKN.

Agung ensured that the laying of the first stone for the 9th phase in the IKN will be carried out in early 2025 with an investment value of Rp6.47 trillion. This value will be realized by five private investors in the residential, office, education, retail, and office sectors. Even so, all preparations for the 9th phase of the groundbreaking have been completed. The implementation time is adjusted to the agenda of President Prabowo Subianto who is confirmed to be present.

Agung said that until 2028, the priority of the development of the IKN Core Government Center Area (KIPP) involves 490 plots of land that are investment opportunities for investors. This is a strategic step to accelerate the development of the IKN. Agung is also optimistic that the 490 plots of land will be completely hunted down by investors to invest their capital in the IKN. Moreover, the selling price of land in the IKN is still very cheap, starting from IDR 100 thousand to IDR 800 thousand per square meter.

The Prabowo-Gibran Government’s commitment to continue the development of the IKN needs to continue to receive support from all elements of society. This is because the IKN will be a city of the future that brings great hope for the progress of the nation. The positive impact or benefits will not only be felt by the local community but also by people outside the IKN. Let’s monitor the development of the IKN to achieve Indonesia’s target as a developed country, according to the Vision of Indonesia 2045.

*) The author is a contributor to the Indonesian Strategic Information Study Institute

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