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Positive Impact of the Job Creation Law on the National Economy


Jakarta. Government Regulation in Lieu of Law (Perppu) Number 2 of 2022 concerning Job Creation officially became law after being approved by the DPR on Tuesday (21/3). The birth of this UUU can have a positive impact on Indonesia, namely opening up many job vacancies to reduce poverty. However, the public does not fully understand the big idea of ​​the passage of the Job Creation Law.

For this reason, the Indonesian Communications Smart Movement (GCKI) together with Communy & Co. are holding a webinar on the theme “The Ciptaker Law is for Whom” in order to socialize the urgency of the Job Creation Law for the national economy. Present as resource persons included GCKI Founder Ellys L. Pambayun, Secretary General of BPP HIPMI Anggawira, University of Indonesia Economic Observer Fithra Faisal, and Special Staff of State Secretary Faldo Maldini.

University of Indonesia Economic Observer Fithra Faisal said the Job Creation Law has opportunities for improvements. The Perppu was issued because there was legal rift and ambiguity. Investors do not want to enter because there is no law protecting them. We need time to make a PP, one of the PPs that has become a vocal point is PP Number 64 of 2021 concerning the establishment of a Land Bank. There are aspects of justice that accompany the PP.

“There must be investment protections to ensure the security of investors. The Job Creation Law also manifests an increase in people’s welfare as an implementation of the goals of the state. There are 4 clusters of objects of the Job Creation Law, namely the community, industry/entrepreneurs, campuses and the government,” said Fithra.

Meanwhile, the Special Staff for the State Secretary, Faldo Maldini, said that in general, many rules were removed due to the lengthy bureaucracy. The positive impact of the Job Creation Law is on MSMEs and micro-enterprises because it makes things easier, so there’s no need to be afraid of bureaucracy.

“Regarding foreign workers, the public should not be in a hurry to judge the bad entry of foreign workers because their status is only a transfer of knowledge which is limited by time and contract agreements, after completion they will return to their country,” he said.

From the business side, Secretary General of BPP HPIMI Anggawira, said we could synchronize one law with another to create a regulation. The main challenge is implementation and its derivative rules. What needs to be guarded is not at the level of the law, because it is already very positive. In the context of drafting the Job Creation Law, stakeholders have been involved according to their fields.

“Jokowi’s administration for 2 periods has made many breakthroughs, namely the ease of doing business through a business identification number (NIB), so that individuals can have formal legality. The Job Creation Law is a solution related to employment. Apart from that, the Job Creation Law integrates various kinds of rules, the term is by-pass rules. From the output side, it is hoped that this law can simplify business licenses and deregulation so that it is efficient from a business standpoint,” he said.

In closing, GCKI Founder Ellys L. Pambayun, said that communications by the Government, both public and political communications, must be clear. The government needs to accommodate people’s aspirations. As is typical for a country that is emotional and influent, it requires a government way to socialize in a complex way so that it can touch the community.

“The government and DPR must have an alternative paradigm because the government only looks at it from a macro perspective. We can try government supports communication to accommodate people’s aspirations and thoughts. Build a form of media and messages that are pro to the community for joint communication. Make workers the subject of government supports communication,” he concluded.

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