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Support the Dissemination of the Presence of the New Autonomous Region of Papua to Residents


Papua – Currently Papua has four New Autonomous Regions (DOB), namely the Provinces of Central Papua, South Papua, Highlands Papua and Southwest Papua. The government is holding outreach to residents in Bumi Cendrawasih so that they understand their current status as residents in which province. Then, this socialization also aims to make people understand that the addition of new autonomous regions is for their welfare.

The addition of the new autonomous regions is a request from the people of Papua which the government will grant in 2022. The government considers that Papua really needs a new province to facilitate public services and encourage people’s welfare. In addition, if there is a new autonomous region, development will be carried out in remote areas, not only in Jayapura, Merauke or other big cities.

After there were 4 new autonomous regions, the government carried out outreach to Papuans. Acting Governor of South Papua Dr. Ir. Apolo Safanpo, ST, MT, conducted working visits and meetings with the Asmat people who live in the Kamahedoga Village, Merauke District, Merauke Regency, South Papua. On that occasion he had an audience with the people of Merauke as well as socializing the new autonomous regions.

Acting Governor Apolo Safanpo revealed that this working visit was carried out to socialize to the public regarding the presence of the South Papua Province DOB which has been going on for about 7 months. Within 7 months, it had been formed and the officials had been filled. The government socializes the 4 districts in the coverage area of ​​South Papua Province.

Then, the establishment of institutions or OPDs that have been carried out, then the second is the construction of office infrastructure. Also the formation of the South Papua DPR and South Papua MRP institutions.

In a sense, the government has not only formed 4 new autonomous regions in Papua. But also conducting socialization so that people in Cendrawasih Earth understand more. So they know the current status of residents in which province.

With this socialization, the Papuan people will understand better and will not fill out the wrong forms or data when dealing with administration. Mistakes must be avoided, because if there is an error then the regional government itself will be confused in recording and keeping track of its people.

Socialization is very important for administrative order. If the Papuan people are administratively orderly and know which province they are currently in, then the data for each province will be accurate. This data is used, among other things, to provide social assistance (bansos) from the central government, special autonomy scholarships, etc. With orderly administration, government programs will run smoothly.

The Papuan people also understand more and more after participating in the socialization session, that the addition of new autonomous regions is a request from all the people in Cendrawasih Earth and there is no coercion from the central government. When there is a new province, it is the aspirations of the Papuan people, because when there are only 2 provinces, the services from the local government will not be optimal.

Saleh Sangadji, a Papuan community leader, stated that if there were additional provinces it would open up opportunities for scholars in South Papua to work in government offices. So they are no longer ‘fighting’ place with in other areas. In a sense, the sons of Papua will show their best potential and become highly dedicated servants of the state.

Regional division certainly involves the people, especially the MRP, because the aim is for people’s welfare. Traditional leaders in Biak Regency Drs. Yulius Yunus Komisba stated that the division of a new autonomous region in Papua is a necessity. The community has been asking for regional expansion since 2004.

Drs. Yulius added that regional expansion would have a positive impact on the community. First, it will create jobs. Then there will be easy access to education and health services. All of this will benefit the progress of the Papuan people because it will lead to prosperity.

Since 2004, there has been a new province, namely West Papua. However, it is still lacking so that Papua will be split again into 5 provinces. This division is highly anticipated by the community because it will facilitate their lives. If there is a new province, new governor and DPRD office buildings will be built, which will also be complete with infrastructure.

Infrastructure in the form of roads is needed by the community because it facilitates mobility. They don’t need to go through the footpath anymore, but can go through the paved road which is of good quality. If people’s mobility is better, the delivery of goods will also be faster and life will be even better.

In addition, the construction of highways will minimize people’s dependence on air transportation. They no longer use airplanes because they can use land routes. Delivery of goods can also be via land routes because the roads are good and speed up mobility, thereby reducing transportation costs and it is hoped that the prices of goods in Papua can be reduced.

The community supports socialization regarding the new autonomous regions carried out by the local government. With socialization, Papuans are no longer confused about their status as citizens of which province. They will also be more orderly in administration and facilitate data collection by the government.

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