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The 44th AIPA Session Shows the Maturity of Indonesian Democracy


By: Dodik Prasetyo )*

The implementation of the 44th ASEAN Inter-Parliamentary Assembly (AIPA) is a golden moment to be able to show the maturity level of Indonesian democracy, so that other countries in the world are able to emulate it.

Indeed, to be able to bring about a change and also carry out development efforts optimally and maximally, solid and strong cooperation between all related parties is urgently needed. In this case, the parliamentary leaders of countries in Southeast Asia held the agenda for the 44th AIPA Session.

It is undeniable that the existence of a forum, namely the AIPA Session is a forum that is able to become a forum for dialogue and also further enhance collaborative efforts between parliamentary leaders in ASEAN countries and also between leaders in these Southeast Asian countries.

Furthermore, as a parliamentary forum between countries in Southeast Asia, the implementation of AIPA does have a very important position. The Chairperson of the People’s Representative Council of the Republic of Indonesia (DPR RI), Puan Maharani explained that with this agenda it was able to become a forum for leaders in ASEAN to be able to exchange views with the Chairmen of the AIPA Member Parliaments, mainly regarding various issues and challenges that will be faced by region and strategies to overcome it.

The 44th AIPA General Assembly which was held in DKI Jakarta from 5 to 11 August 2023 is a very important moment for this nation as the host of the implementation of the agenda, to be able to lead and overcome various kinds of challenges at the global level. One of the important issues that must be resolved as soon as possible is the issue of the conflict that occurred in Myanmar to the  Green Economy issue,  especially in the ASEAN region. Deputy Chairperson of the DPR RI Inter-Parliamentary Cooperation Agency (BKSAP), Putu Supadma Rudana explained that indeed all members of parliament have a very responsive role in being able to increase stability and prosperity in ASEAN.

This includes being proud of this nation because it is once again trusted by the world to become the host again in an international event at the ASEAN level. With the many challenges that are currently being encountered and indeed solutions must be found as soon as possible regarding issues of global conflict, this is also a challenge for Indonesia.

With regard to humanitarian issues which also concern how Indonesia’s democracy is in the ASEAN region, how is the conflict situation in Myanmar and globally, namely the geopolitical tension that is still going on between Ukraine and Russia is also something that must be resolved as soon as possible.

As a nation that has full sovereignty, moreover as a leading country as well as hosting the AIPA Session, of course Indonesia’s role in the eyes of the world is also very much highlighted. It is undeniable that the Motherland will be very influential in the agenda.

In fact, with how strong the role that Indonesia has, the world itself has very much acknowledged how successful this nation is in building its democratic construction. Many countries in the world have conveyed how high their appreciation is in relation to political developments and democratization in the country.

The Chairperson of the Friendship Group of the French – Indonesian Parliament, Jean-Jacques Guillet, acknowledged and at the same time gave his very high appreciation for the democratization which continues to be developed and has succeeded in developing very significantly in the Archipelago. In fact, according to him, currently Indonesia is actually able to beat other developed countries in the world in practicing political democratization, especially in the Presidential Election (Pilpres).

According to him, Indonesian democracy is getting more mature day by day. Guillet also believes that currently, at this point in time, Indonesia has become the largest democratic country in the world and should be used as an example for other countries in the world.

Meanwhile, the President of the Republic of Indonesia, Joko Widodo (Jokowi) explained that in the 44th AIPA Session, of course the parliament itself has a very important role to be able to participate and be actively involved in drafting the ASEAN agenda in 2045.

The ASEAN-AIPA leaders are also expected to be able to ensure that countries in Southeast Asia can become much more responsive and resilient in facing existing challenges so that in the future they will be able to become centers of growth and become a region that is safe, stable and democratic.

There is absolutely no need to doubt the maturity of democracy in Indonesia, even various countries in the world have acknowledged this. Then, as the leader and host of the 44th AIPA Session, this agenda is a golden momentum to be able to show how democratization is developing so rapidly that it can become a model for many other countries in the world.

)* The author is a contributor to the Indonesian Institute for Strategic Information Studies (LISI)

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