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PYCH Holds Independence Day at Banteng Field, There are Music and Dance Performances


Jakarta – Papua Youth Creative Hub (PYCH) is a center for the development of young talents in the Land of Papua to become a superior generation, creative, pioneer spirit, agile in adopting new ways and quickly adapting to technological developments and having a high national spirit.

The program under the guidance of the State Intelligence Agency (BIN) has succeeded in embracing young Papuan talents to become pioneers of change for the progress and prosperity of Cendrawasih Earth according to President Joko Widodo’s instructions.

Various programs organized by BIN through PYCH have succeeded in attracting the involvement of various sectors spread across Papua and West Papua Provinces, such as agriculture, fisheries, animal husbandry, creative industries, education and health, MSMEs and market places (e-commerce), socio-culture to ethnic preservation. language in Papua

On Friday evening, August 18, PYCH held an activity to welcome the Republic of Indonesia’s anniversary by holding the Independence Day Festival from Papua for Indonesia which was attended by 1,000 people at Banteng Field, Central Jakarta, DKI Jakarta. PYCH invited Papuan artists who are in Jakarta to enliven the event. There are musical performances, dance and even stand-up comedy by young Papuans. In addition, there is a Papua UMKM bazaar that specifically sells Papuan culinary and souvenirs.

This is the first activity carried out by PYCH outside of Papua and received a positive response from all Papuan people in Jakarta. “This is the first time, we are holding PYCH activities not in Jayapura, but in Jakarta. In the framework of the celebration of independence, we gather Papuan artists and here we see together how independence is an important part of Papuan children,” said the PYCH Music Band personnel who is also the Music Team Assistant. Coment’s son (MAC), Julio Faot.

Julio revealed that the reason behind holding the PYCH activity in Jakarta coincided with a music group from Papua, MAC, which was called to perform at the Merdeka Palace on the occasion of the 78th Indonesian Independence Day.

“Yesterday, because MAC was summoned to the State Palace on August 17, we filled in only one song. So, on August 18 we initiated a gathering to celebrate independence in Jakarta, so this is the right momentum,” said Julio.

Julio said he was happy with the enthusiasm of the people who attended, especially his colleagues from Papua who had so far migrated to the capital. He continued, this activity can motivate the enthusiasm of the younger generation of Papua, as well as a moment of missed meeting with the people of Papua overseas.

“Everyone here is 100 percent enthusiastic with us to collaborate, sing, dance, stand up comedy and we also collect books as donations for our friends in Papua,” said Julio. Julio encourages the younger generation of Papua to continue to innovate in creating works and at the same time he hopes that similar activities can be carried out in other regions in Indonesia to introduce the potential of Papuan children in Indonesia.

“Yesterday, because MAC was summoned to the State Palace on August 17, we filled in only one song. So, on August 18 we initiated a gathering to celebrate independence in Jakarta, so this is the right momentum,” said Julio. Julio said he was happy with the enthusiasm of the people who attended, especially his colleagues from Papua who had so far migrated to the capital. He continued, this activity can motivate the enthusiasm of the younger generation of Papua, as well as a moment of missed meeting with the people of Papua overseas. Also Read: KKB Shoots Three Civilians Including ASN to Death in Nduga, Papua, Mountains Bank Mandiri’s Strategy to Increase Credit to 1.2 Trillion in 2023! “Everyone here is 100 percent enthusiastic with us to collaborate, sing, dance, stand up comedy and we also collect books as donations for our friends in Papua,” said Julio. Julio encourages the younger generation of Papua to continue to innovate in creating works and at the same time he hopes that similar activities can be carried out in other regions in Indonesia to introduce the potential of Papuan children in Indonesia. Also Read: MOST POPULAR: Ageng Jokowi’s Sangkok Singkepan Ageman Attire, Paskibraka Shoes Take Off, Pak Bas Is Nosy We’re CLOSING WAREHOUSES! Iphone 13 pro for 1,999,999 IDR Discount up to 70% “We encourage all the young generation in Papua, especially when we are given a big gift from Pak Jokowi, we can continue this to regencies in Papua. With the existence of a new province in Papua, young people in Papua should be more enthusiastic, and not only in Papua. in the future we can hold activities like this in Yogyakarta, Sumatra and wherever we can gather,” said Julio. Meanwhile, representatives of MAC group personnel Elmar Mac, Morde Sawaki, Dhimart Ohee were pleased with their first off air performance which was held in Jakarta. They are grateful to be able to appear on a national scale as well as meet the Papuan people who live in Jakarta

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