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The Importance of Active Participation of Beginner Voters in the 2024 Election


The 2024 election is just around the corner. Young people take part in celebrating the election. Even though they are first-time voters, they are enthusiastic about voting. New voters are required to follow the election procession properly from the campaign period until election day. Don’t let them abstain because it will be detrimental to themselves.

Elections are a big event which is held every 5 years and the people look forward to it enthusiastically, because they want to find new leadership candidates. Since the reform era, Indonesian citizens have been free to choose their own presidential candidates. All Indonesian people, including young people, are obliged to actively participate in the elections and vote on election day.

Beginner voters (who have just turned 17 years old) are encouraged to follow the election procession in an orderly manner. I Gede Suka Astreawan, KPU member for Klungkung Regency, Bali, stated that the first time voters, who consisted of students, students or voters with an age range of 17 to 21 years, had high enthusiasm, were relatively more rational, and had a thirst for change. Therefore they are encouraged to understand politics more and participate in elections.

In other words, first-time voters usually have high enthusiasm and they are happy when they are given the right to choose their preferred presidential candidate (Capres) and legislative candidate (caleg). They are obliged to come and vote on election day because they are hungry for change and want Indonesia to be better.

Beginner voters are critical and trace the track records of the 3 presidential candidates competing in the 2024 election. They finally choose one and are active in the election. Not only on election day, first-time voters also observe the campaign period and openly support certain presidential candidates.

When campaigning, first-time voters follow the rules and don’t do it prematurely. They are active in participating in election processions and are anti-black campaigns because they understand that this is forbidden.

I Gede Suka continued, what distinguished first-time voters from other groups was a matter of political experience in dealing with elections so that what they relied on when making choices tended to be uncertain, unstable or easily changeable according to the information or preferences surrounding them.

New voters have high enthusiasm while the choice decision is not yet unanimous, actually placing new voters as true swing voters. Therefore, the KPU is holding outreach so that new voters take part in the elections and don’t get confused, or even abstain.

During the current High School and Vocational School Environment Introduction Period, the Klungkung Regency KPU also conducts education for first-time voters and introduces them to social media which is used in disseminating socialization.

The behavior of novice voters who tend to be indifferent and unstable towards the world of politics causes a lack of awareness in politics which has an impact on participation. With voter education or outreach, it is hoped that novice voters will play an active role in exercising their right to vote because elections and elections are a means of realizing people’s sovereignty.

Elections are programs that are carried out directly, publicly, freely, confidentially, honestly and fairly to produce leaders or representatives of the people who are aspirational, qualified and responsible in the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia based on Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution. Therefore every citizen who is 17 years old and above are required to vote, including youth.

Meanwhile, novice voters are also strictly prohibited from abstaining from voting. Meanwhile, the Coordinating Minister for Politics, Law and Security (Menkopolhukam) Mahfud MD stated that people who choose not to use their voting rights or abstain from voting will basically be disadvantaged electorally. If he doesn’t vote, it means he is giving the opportunity to someone whose choice is worse than his, so he will be disadvantaged electorally.

Mahfud continued, the decision to abstain is usually made by people who have idealistic minds so they only want really good candidates. When you think there is nothing good, don’t choose. If you then think that there are no good candidates and then abstain, then it is a loss because he voted or did not vote, while a new leader must be born.

In other words, there are some young people who are too idealistic in determining the presidential, vice-presidential and legislative candidates they dream of. With their idealism that is too high, they actually thwart democracy because they abstain and are apathetic about Indonesia’s future.

In fact, when many youths abstain it will be self-defeating. Beginner voters who abstain because they are too confused will not even be satisfied with the president who will be elected in 2024. The reason is because he decided not to vote and was chosen by someone else.

Therefore the public, especially first-time voters, are urged not to abstain. They must comply with procedures when the General Election takes place, from the campaign period to the announcement of the president and vice president. Beginner voters are strictly prohibited from abstaining because it will harm themselves.

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