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Cross-agency synergy is really needed to make the 2024 elections a success


The Indonesian Democratic Party will soon begin. In order to secure the implementation of the General Election (Pemilu) which will take place in 2024, all institutions/parties involved in making this major activity a success need to synergize and cooperate with each other in order to create a peaceful, safe and lively 2024 Election.

There have been several breakthroughs in various regions aimed at expressing strong synergy in supporting the readiness and sustainability of this democratic party. One of them is that the National Police Public Relations Division is again inviting the mass media to work together to create a safe and peaceful 2024 election. This time, the invitation was made in synergy with Tempo.

Head of Public Relations Division of the National Police, Inspector General. Pol. Sandi Nugroho stated that realizing a safe and peaceful 2024 election is the task of all parties. Therefore, synergy is key, and mass media has an important role in this matter. He revealed that the collaboration between the press and the National Police was indeed a very good initiative. Moreover, he expressed his highest appreciation for the decision of the National Police Chief, Police General Drs. Listyo Sigit Prabowo, M.Si., who strongly supports press freedom.

Apart from that, Klaten Police Chief AKBP Warsono in the “Six Pillars Synergy Held by Klaten Police Ahead of the Election” activity reminded all stakeholders to work together to make the 2024 Elections successful and safe and peaceful. Especially synergy in the six pillars which is the main element in realizing conduciveness. The six pillars are the police chief, danramil, sub-district head, babinsa, bhabhinkamtibmas, and the village head and village head (kades).

The provision of the six pillars was carried out last weekend at the Grha Bung Karno meeting building, Klaten, Central Java. He hopes that his staff will carry out their duties professionally in securing the democratic party. Moreover, being neutral is to maintain balance and ensure that the election process runs fairly, democratically, peacefully and successfully.

On the other hand, the Management of the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) Jayapura Regency hopes that the 2024 General Election in Jayapura Regency can run successfully and smoothly. Mustofa, who was newly appointed along with the management some time ago, ensured that the Jayapura Regency MUI Management remained neutral and did not play practical politics. His party is ready to build synergy with all parties, with the aim of achieving political peace ahead of the 2024 elections. At the national level, synergy will also continue to be implemented and even improved between ministries/institutions in order to make the 2024 elections a success.

Deputy for Technical Support for the KPU, Eberta Kawima, emphasized that the 2024 Election will still be held on Wednesday, February 14 2024, and at this time the KPU is still continuing the ongoing stages. Wima also emphasized that the KPU is based on the provisions of the applicable laws and regulations. Based on article 168 paragraph (2) of Law Number 7 of 2017 concerning General Elections, elections to elect members of the DPR, Provincial DPRD and Regency/City DPRD are carried out using an open proportional system.

The simultaneous election stages have been completed. First, registration, verification of election participants, and determination of political parties participating in the election. Second, determining the number of seats and determining electoral areas for the DPR, provincial DPRD and district/city DPRD. Third, the formation of an adhoc body. The next stages of the simultaneous elections that are being carried out are the nomination of DPD members and updating voter data. Meanwhile, the stages of the simultaneous elections that will be held in the near future include the nomination of president and vice president, members of the DPR and DPRD, campaigns and campaign funds, as well as voting and counting of votes.

On another occasion, KPU Chairman Hasyim Asy’ari also explained that the successful implementation of the 2024 General Election and Pilkada needed to be supported by many parties, including the National Police and TNI in terms of security and security. the number of voters in the 2024 election reached 204.8 million voters. Domestically, there will be 820,161 polling stations in 83,731 villages/sub-districts and 7,277 sub-districts. This number will of course correlate with the security and security patterns that will be carried out by the National Police and TNI, especially on the day of voting and during logistics distribution.

The election stages must proceed as regulated in both the Election Law and KPU Regulations. And the KPU has determined that the election voting day will be February 14 2024. “The election schedule is very busy, because once it shifts a little, the target determined cannot be met. Meanwhile, if the specified targets are not met, there will be a power vacuum, therefore everything must be calculated and prepared carefully

The success of holding elections is not only the responsibility of election organizers. But it is a shared responsibility, so to realize safe and orderly elections there needs to be collaboration and synergy between the Government. Starting from the participation and collaboration of elements of the 6 Pillars of Regional Government, the Press, MUI, and various other parties including Political Parties to be able to further strengthen synergy between institutions in order to create common goals and avoid polemic problems that usually arise before democratic parties such as this General Election.

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