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Support Apkam’s efforts to eradicate radicalism and terrorism ahead of the elections


The security forces consisting of the TNI, Polri, and the State Intelligence Agency (BIN) are tireless in eradicating radicalism and terror ahead of the 2024 General Election. With this increase in security, it is hoped that the 2024 Election can run safely and smoothly.

Elections are a program that is held every 5 years and the people look forward to it enthusiastically, because they want to get a new president. Since the reform era, Indonesian citizens have been free to choose their own leadership candidates. The public is very enthusiastic because after the 2024 elections there will be a new president to replace President Jokowi (who has led 2 terms).

However, there are threats ahead of the election, especially during the campaign period, namely attacks from radical groups and terrorists. Those who have always considered the government as an enemy are trying to make the elections fail. Therefore, security forces have anticipated actions to prevent this group from taking action.

Vice President KH Ma’ruf Amin stated that various efforts to prevent acts of terrorism had been carried out and the results were positive. The number of attacks (terrorism) has continued to fall since 2019. According to the Global Terrorism Index (GTI), Indonesia is ranked 24th on the list of countries most affected by terrorism, or in the medium category.

However, the decline in attacks from radical groups should not make people careless. Vigilance must be maintained. Don’t feel safe when there are attacks from terrorist groups such as bombings and attacks with sharp weapons.

The public is asked to be more alert to terrorist groups because they are very good at blending in among ordinary people. If there is something suspicious, just report it to the security forces. Later it will be investigated whether the person is truly a member of a terrorist group, who wants to thwart the 2024 elections. The public continues to support the authorities’ work to secure the elections from terrorism and radicalism.

Meanwhile, to secure the election, the National Police held Operation Mantap Brata. This operation will be held for 211 days (according to the 2024 election stages), throughout Indonesia. The Mantap Brata operation was held simultaneously, from the police station level to the National Police Headquarters. This was stated by the Head of the National Police Public Relations Division, Inspector General Sandi Nugraha.

Sandi Nugraha continued, Operation Mantap Brata aims to carry out a series of security measures during the General Election and Pilkada. Thousands of police personnel will be deployed in this operation. They secured the stages of the election starting from the campaign period until the day the new Indonesian president was announced. This operation also aims to protect Indonesia from terrorist attacks.

Each stage has been analyzed to have a different spectrum of threats to security and social security disturbances. For this reason, the involvement of the National Police will vary, as will the facilities and infrastructure used.

The National Police have been on standby for almost a year to secure the 2024 elections. The reason is because elections are a very important program. Don’t let there be attacks from radical groups and terrorists or other criminals who want to thwart it.

The National Police is also preparing to secure the election because there could be threats from radical groups and terrorists. Therefore, all members of the National Police are prepared to protect the community from potential attacks by radical groups during the 2024 elections.

The authorities’ efforts to secure the election received support from the community. They also work together to prevent radicalism and terrorism ahead of the 2024 elections, especially in cyberspace. Elections are prone to friction because there are differences in the choice of political parties and presidential candidates. However, it is hoped that these differences will not be exaggerated, so that the elections can be peaceful and free of terror.

The lead-up to the election will be used by radical and terrorist groups to spread hoaxes and propaganda. They deliberately do this to discourage people from voting, thereby increasing the abstention rate. In fact, abstention is dangerous because it shows people’s distrust of the government.

Radical and terrorist groups not only plan attacks in the real world with bombs, but also disrupt cyberspace with propaganda and hoaxes. The public is asked to be more alert and not to believe too much news with horrendous headlines. It could be just a hoax. They are obliged to check the truth and not be fooled.

For this reason, literacy intelligence is needed in cyberspace. The reason is because terror launched by radical groups has begun to shift to social media. Don’t just share photos or news because there is potential for hoaxes. The public must listen carefully and not easily believe it.

The community continues to work together to prevent radicalism because the elections are only a few months away. This is done by increasing internet literacy intelligence and providing education on how to differentiate between real news and hoaxes.

The community fully supports the efforts of the security forces in efforts to make the 2024 elections a success and ward off radicalism. One way to protect it is by holding Operation Mantap Brata which is held throughout Indonesia. Then, there needs to be a cyber police team patrolling social media to remove hoaxes and propaganda, which are deliberately created and spread by radical groups.

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