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By: Sigit Rizal

In 2023, Indonesia will have the opportunity to host the 2023 AIS Forum Summit which will be held in Bali on 10-11 October, and will be attended by representatives of each country that is part of the AIS Forum. AIS Forum or abbreviated as  Archipelagic and Island States Forum  or Forum of Island and Small Island States, is a forum for cooperation between island and archipelagic countries around the world consisting of 51 countries and has the aim of strengthening collaboration to overcome global problems, especially marine development.

Hosting the 2023 AIS Forum Summit is proof that Indonesia is considered an archipelagic country and is capable of hosting every international conference. This means that Indonesia’s reputation is seen as being able to hold a high-level conference and Indonesia is also recognized as an archipelagic country.

Indonesia’s role is very strategic because Indonesia, which is the host, is seen by other countries to discuss maritime issues globally. As host, Indonesia has the right to determine the theme and agenda that will be discussed at the conference. Indonesia has the advantage of being able to raise what is considered important, such as the three aspects on the discussion agenda, namely blue economic development, the challenge of climate change, and strengthening solidarity between island and archipelagic countries.

Apart from that, what is most important, especially for the AIS Forum participating countries, is to be able to equalize perceptions about how safe and clean the marine environment is, because the sea is related to the lives of many people, such as the work carried out by coastal communities, being a trade route and shipping route. Currently, dependence on exports and imports is very high, so healthy seas are needed.

The same perception of what is considered a threat, whether from certain countries or such as pirates, fishing theft, facing natural disasters that may arise from the sea or global warming which causes sea levels to rise. The perception of each country which is considered a threat needs to be discussed so that each country has the same perception to find out how to solve maritime problems.

The potential of the maritime sector is enormous for the profits of each country. Because from the surface of the sea energy can be used, while from deep in the sea marine biota can be used to earn a living such as fish, shrimp, crabs, lobsters, etc. Then, there is more from the seabed, such as natural gas and oil. Then the beach can be used for the creative economy, tourism will develop rapidly.

Therefore, it is necessary to realize the increase in human resource capacity of both the country itself and state officials in managing the sea well. The improvement of society must also be considered in developing maritime affairs and utilizing the blue economy. Lastly, there must be a joint commitment that every country really wants to do something not just for its national interests but for the common interest, the interests of almost all of humanity which currently relies heavily on the sea or relies on the sea’s potential.

If it is not maintained properly, it is not managed well, it would be a shame, later we could lose the opportunity to enjoy the Indonesian seas. Indonesia is very rich in maritime potential, but we must equip the human resources capacity of our navy and the human resources of our community to be able to maintain the security of our seas optimally so that our people can enjoy that prosperity.

In this case, cooperation is needed for parties taking part in the meeting and people who work in the maritime sector who can help realize the solutions that have been made at the 2023 AIS Forum Summit. By learning together and being willing to preserve the sea by following existing regulations.

*) The author is a National University Postgraduate Student

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