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Mandatory Neutral, State Apparatus Must Be Wise in Using Social Media Ahead of the 2024 Election


In facing the 2024 General Election, the neutrality of state apparatus, both TNI, Polri and ASN, needs to continue to be maintained. This neutrality also needs to be paid attention to, including when using social media.
The National Police Human Resources Assistant (AS SDM), Inspector General Pol. Dedi Prasetyo, firmly conveyed this message when conducting online outreach to all National Police State Civil Apparatus (ASN) on Friday, December 15 2023. Responding to the political year and the implementation of the election, the National Police with actively plays a role in reminding that ASN Polri must act neutrally.
In his delivery, Dedi highlighted that the implementation of socialization activities is not just a routine activity, but is an integral part of the involvement of Polri’s Human Resources (HR) in actively demonstrating the neutrality expected from Polri’s ASN.
In the context of this socialization, Polri firmly emphasized that Polri ASNs can maintain a neutral attitude, not only in their real actions but also in the behavior they demonstrate ahead of the 2024 elections. On this occasion, Dedi also invited ASNs to become reliable information agents, ensure the dissemination of correct news, and protect yourself from hoax news.
Head of the Police Service Home Section, Commissioner Anisullah M Ridha, also provided an explanation regarding the regulations regarding ASN neutrality. In his explanation, Anisullah firmly emphasized a number of prohibitions mandated by Joint Decree (SKB) No. 2 of 2022. These regulations include restrictions on ASN not to display banners, billboards or other props related to prospective election participants.
Anisullah also highlighted the prohibitory provisions which direct ASN not to be involved in outreach activities or media campaigns. He stated firmly that every ASN must comply with these rules in order to maintain neutrality. The points emphasized by Anisullah include certain prohibitions, such as involving oneself in declarations or campaigns carried out by prospective election participants.
Realizing the significance of the involvement of all elements in ensuring neutrality, the Inspector of Professional Development and Security (Kasi Propam) at the Tanggamus Resort Police, Iptu Ujang Srikandi, firmly voiced the determination of the Tanggamus Police in creating a fair and clean election in his area.
Ujang emphasized that this commitment was in line with the agreements and commitments that had been taken by the National Police as a whole. He informed that the National Police ASN in the Tanggamus Police area had issued a statement of neutrality, and firmly stated that if there was a violation of neutrality, enforcement action would definitely be taken by the authorities.
Ahead of the 2024 elections, efforts to maintain ASN neutrality will not only occur within the National Police. In Lebak Regency, dozens of Heads of Regional Apparatus Organizations (OPD) received Socialization on ASN Neutrality from the State Civil Service Agency (BKN). This event was attended by the Head of OPD and 28 sub-district heads throughout Lebak, with the aim that ASN within the Lebak Regency Government can understand and maintain neutrality in the upcoming 2024 elections.
The Regional Secretary of Lebak Regency, Budi Santoso, clarified that all levels of government in the area, from the Regional Secretary (Sekda), the Head of OPD, to the Subdistrict Head, are committed to maintaining a neutral attitude in facing the 2024 General Election and Pilkada.
Budi said that this effort started from the highest level of government, namely the Regional Secretary, and involved all Heads of OPD and Subdistrict Heads who would sign an integrity pact as a form of their commitment to neutrality in the implementation of the upcoming democratic party.
Apart from efforts to sign integrity pacts, dozens of ASNs also received counseling and guidance so as not to violate applicable regulations. Budi explained that in the counseling, all aspects of the rules related to ASN neutrality were explained, both those contained in Law Number 20 of 2023 concerning ASN and the Joint Decree issued by the five related institutions.
He added that in the socialization event, it was explained what actions were permitted and prohibited by ASN during the 2024 General Election process. Furthermore, this would be carried out concretely in each respective OPD.
As part of efforts to maintain the integrity of the 2024 Election, ASN at various levels of government are expected to understand the importance of neutrality. Regional governments, in this case, have a key role in ensuring that all ASN under them are committed to being neutral, avoiding political practices that could harm the democratic process.

Ahead of the 2024 elections, the message of neutrality is not only the task of ASN, but also a call to build strong democratic foundations. The success of elections depends on the collective awareness and commitment of each individual, especially ASN, in maintaining neutrality, wise policies, and being alert to information that could divide.
By jointly maintaining integrity, ASN can be at the forefront in ensuring that the democratic process runs well and produces legitimate results and represents the will of the Indonesian people.
Neutrality, wisdom and vigilance on social media are the keys to moving towards a successful and dignified 2024 election. Let’s work together, as part of a wise and resilient society, to maintain neutrality for a better democratic future.

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