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Optimally Safeguarding Christmas and New Year, Security Forces Arrest Terrorists in Sragen


The security forces of the Republic of Indonesia (RI) are very optimal in carrying out security during the 2023-2024 Christmas and New Year (Nataru) celebrations. This was proven by the real actions carried out by the ranks of the Special Detachment 88 Anti-terror Team who arrested terrorists in Masaran, Sragen.

It is known that the number of suspected terrorists in Masaran, Sragen, who have been arrested by security forces has increased to one more person, so that the total is now three people. One suspected terrorist who was recently arrested had the initials M (50), who is a resident of Dukuh Jati, Pilang Village, Masaran, Sragen.

Regarding the arrest, the Head of Public Relations (Kabid Humas) of the Central Java Regional Police (Polda Jateng), Police Commissioner (Kombes Pol) Stefanus Satake Bayu Setianto confirmed that three suspected terrorists had been arrested in Sragen.

Previously, Densus 88 Anti-terror had arrested SR in front of the mosque and elementary school, when he was traveling to the market to sell. The Densus Team, assisted by the Sragen Police Inafis Team, conducted a search at the house of the suspected terrorist and succeeded in finding evidence in the form of five firearms (senpi) in the form of pistols and a number of magazines.

Meanwhile, the Chief of the National Police of the Republic of Indonesia (Kapolri) General Listyo Sigit Prabowo also has a full commitment to providing the best security during the Nataru celebrations for all people in the country. He conveyed this strong commitment during a cross-sectoral coordination meeting (rakor) at the Bidakara Hotel, Jakarta.

According to General Listyo Sigit Prabowo, of course the upcoming Christmas and New Year celebration activities must be able to be maximally secured, because these two events are a series of activities carried out by the community at the end of 2023. The police personnel are also very strongly committed to providing excellent service to the community so they can celebrate Christmas safely and comfortably.

Of course, it is not without reason why the commitment to provide the best service is so important. The reason is that based on data from the Ministry of Transportation (Kemenhub) that the number of homebound and return flows will increase. Therefore, with this increase it is very clear that the security forces have to work extra hard to ensure security and the best possible service.

On the other hand, all levels of security forces are also continuously asked to increase their vigilance regarding potential movements carried out by terrorists. Not only that, but vigilance also needs to be increased to be able to prepare when facing the impacts of other natural disasters that could occur at any time, even in the midst of Christmas itself.

For this reason, synergy continues to be maintained very well by the security forces together with the TNI including the Police, then collaborating with all ministries or other related institutions and all relevant stakeholders to continue to synergize and coordinate to ensure that the community’s Christmas celebrations run smoothly.

Preparations for security and efforts to ensure that the Nataru celebrations can run smoothly do not only come from the security forces, but also come from PT Hutama Karya (Persero) which started a series of security measures by inaugurating the 2023 Nataru Homecoming Alert Task Force Team (Satgas) 2024.

Director of Operations III Hutama Karya Koentjoro said that the Alert Call was held as a sign that his party was ready to welcome road users and was very ready to provide the best service. With the addition and functionalization of several new sections and also predictions of increased vehicle flow during the Christmas holiday, they have prepared a number of strategies to prevent congestion at toll gates, especially by adding mobile readers and top-up hawkers at toll gates to increase traffic volume. speed up transactions. Not only that, but they also ensure that optimal service from all officers in the field and the quality of roads and toll road facilities, especially rest areas, are safe and comfortable to use.

Security in other areas, such as that carried out by PLN’s East Java Transmission Main Unit (UIT JBM), also makes efforts to ensure safe electricity during the Christmas and New Year celebrations. General Manager of PLN UIT JBM, Amiruddin, said that maintenance work continues to be carried out in Bojonegoro to ensure that electricity distribution to customers is not hampered.

Optimization of safeguarding the entire process of the series of holidays and alignment of Christmas and New Year (Nataru) 2023-2024 continues to be carried out by various elements and parties. Primarily from the security forces who always move quickly to prepare preventive efforts, including carrying out early detection and arrest of terrorists in Sragen.

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