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Appreciating Dialogic Patrols to Anticipate the Spread of Radicalism


The security forces of the Republic of Indonesia (RI) continue to intensify patrol activities in a dialogue manner to anticipate how dangerous radicalism is so that it does not spread widely in society.
Indeed, efforts to provide outreach from security forces regarding the dangers of intolerance, terrorism and radicalism to the entire community are very important to carry out. Because it also aims to provide education to the public about how important it is to continue to maintain an attitude of tolerance and harmony as a citizen.
Moreover, when radicalism, intolerance and terrorism continue to be allowed to spread widely, it can certainly threaten security and order in society itself. Not only that, but the security forces also provide outreach regarding various government programs in maintaining security and public order (kamtibmas) and also provide information on how to report if citizens encounter crimes such as terrorism or radicalism.
The dialogue patrol then received a very positive response from the entire community, because they all welcomed the presence of security officers and also highly appreciated the efforts of the authorities in providing education about the dangers of radical attitudes, intolerance and terrorism.
Of course, so far the security forces themselves have had a very strong commitment to continuing to carry out dialogue patrols and also providing education to the entire community in maintaining security and order.
Not only to residents in general, but the security forces also collaborated with local religious figures and leaders. They continue to strengthen friendly relations to prevent and ward off the spread of radicalism and terrorism.
While carrying out visiting activities with religious figures at the Baitul Ula Mosque, Adjunct Police Inspector Two (Aipda) Hedy appealed to religious figures to be able to play an active role in efforts to maintain vigilance and concern for the environment in order to prevent various forms of disturbances in security and public order (kamtibmas) and always to maintain harmony between residents.
Apart from that, religious figures are expected to be able to work together to prevent and combat the spread of radicalism and terrorism by continuing to provide a good and correct understanding of religion, especially in the family environment, Islamic boarding schools (Ponpes), mosques and study groups.
This activity then received a very positive response from the mosque takmir because it was able to create closeness with residents and was also a concrete manifestation of concern for keeping the environment safe and conducive and made religious leaders very ready to work together in fighting and countering radicalism and terrorism.
However, it is not just the security forces that should be intensifying efforts to ward off radicalism. However, this must also be accompanied by active contribution from the community.
Character education is an effort to instill various moral values in the younger generation which include knowledge, awareness or willingness and action to always implement various good and virtuous values in their lives.
This will be able to have an impact not only on themselves, but also on others, the environment and this nation so that in the future they will be able to become human beings with good morals.
Because good character is manifested in habits in daily behavior, including clear thoughts, a good heart and also polite behavior. Having good character means that the younger generation knows good things, loves goodness and also does good things.
These various kinds of understanding should be able to represent how education is really needed for everyone. In fact, education is the main medium for measuring the quality of people in building their morals and personality. Therefore, it becomes very relevant if character education is optimized and can be an antidote to radicalism in Indonesia.
As is known, radicalism often becomes a very serious problem and continues to haunt all people in the country because there is usually a lack of literacy in social life. Most of the people who are exposed to radicalism are those who are very easy to accept issues and are less able to interact and therefore lack communication which causes them to fail to understand the pattern of the spread of radicalism in the country.
To be able to face this threat, parties who are aware of the dangers of radicalism, terrorism and intolerance must also be able to play an active role in fighting it, including promoting many narratives on social media as an effort to counter the propaganda narratives of radicals.

One of the roles that can be done is to use cyberspace or social media as an alternative in developing the mentality of the younger generation or someone to become a nationalist person.
Collaboration between the community and security forces, through vigorous dialogue patrol activities from the National Police, is also an effort to anticipate how dangerous the threat from radical ideology will be if it continues to spread among residents.

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