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Supporting Sustainable Development for the Welfare of the Papuan People


Accelerating the development of Papua is a government program that aims to improve the economy and improve the welfare of the Papuan people. So support for sustainable development in Papua is very important so that Papua can become more advanced and compete with other provinces in Indonesia.

Supporting sustainable development for the welfare of the Papuan people also requires a holistic approach that takes into account economic, social, cultural and environmental aspects, so that concrete steps must be taken to ensure development can run well.

Development in strengthening basic infrastructure by building roads, clean water, sanitation and energy can improve accessibility and quality of life for people in Papua. This is one of the foundations for the sustainability of other developments.

Furthermore, increasing access and quality of education and health services in Papua to improve the standard of living and welfare of the community. This includes building schools, hospitals and health centers, as well as training medical personnel and teachers.

The government continues to be committed to the success of the Papua development acceleration program. This can be seen from the issuance of Presidential Regulation (Perpres) Number 24 of 2023 concerning the Master Plan for the Acceleration of Papua Development (RIPPP) for 2022-2041. However, the process of accelerating Papua’s development also needs support from all parties, so that Papua becoming an advanced and productive region can be realized immediately.

RIPPP is designed as a guide for the government and all stakeholders in the planning, budgeting, implementation, monitoring, evaluation, control of programs and activities as well as synergy of funding sources in the context of accelerating development in Papua.

The Acting Governor of West Papua, Ali Baham Temongmere, said the community must realize the importance of joint collaboration in supporting long-term development in Papua. In the context of development, attention is needed for economic growth and justice to reach remote areas. Apart from that, it is important to synergize in welcoming a positive future and legacy for the next generation in Papua.

On the other hand, there is a lot of potential in West Papua and the influx of investment is expected to have an impact on improving the economy for the community. Apart from that, the West Papua government strongly supports sustainable development to balance the preservation of forests, seas and efforts to control climate change as well as improving the welfare of indigenous Papuan communities.

Then in terms of environmental protection, it is important to pay attention to the impact of development on the environment in Papua, considering its abundant natural resources, so that conservation measures and sustainable management of natural resources must be implemented to protect the environment and provide long-term resources for the people of Papua.

Apart from physical development, the government continues to intensify the development of Papuan Human Resources (HR) to improve the economy and welfare of the Papuan people. Strengthening the quality of human resources in Papua continues to be encouraged both through government programs and in collaboration with the private sector. Apart from that, specific skills are also considered important to meet the need for skilled industrial workers. So that the Papuan people of productive age can contribute to each other and have the same opportunities as other regions in positive terms.

One of the Jayawijaya community leaders, Yusen Tabuni, said that his party invites all elements of society to support development in Papua in order to achieve increased human resources and equitable welfare. According to him, by fully supporting government programs as a form of concern and participation in the trust of the central government which has developed the province of Papua. Apart from that, he appealed to the public not to be easily incited by provocative issues that could cause conflict, disturb security and divide unity.

To achieve quality Papuan human resources requires cooperation from various parties, especially the involvement of Papuan youth. Because the formation of quality human resources must start early. Quality human resources play an important role in preparing for the demographic bonus period which will contribute to the economy, politics and increasing the nation’s welfare.

Papuan youth must contribute to human resource development, and the synergy of collaboration and participation of teenagers and young people must be encouraged to accelerate human resource development in Papua. Papuan youth are also asked to participate in various issues in their environment, such as issues of education, health, gender and discrimination, employment and leadership.

On the other hand, the Papua Special Autonomy (Otsus) Policy has also provided extraordinary benefits for the indigenous Papuan people, both in the physical development process and in developing human resources. Based on a study by the Indonesian Government’s Center for Public Policy Studies (Puskappi), the Special Autonomy policy has resulted in an increase in public education standards and also sustainable development in Papua.

By involving all elements of society and adopting an inclusive and sustainable approach, development in Papua can be carried out more effectively and have a positive impact on the entire community. In addition, sustainable and coordinated support from various parties will be very necessary to achieve sustainable development in Papua, which takes into account economic, social, cultural and environmental interests.

Sustainable development in Papua also requires long-term commitment from all parties. By taking a comprehensive and inclusive approach, it is hoped that it can significantly improve the welfare of the Papuan people.

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