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Government Builds Papuan Welfare by Improving the Quality of Local Human Resources


The government is building the welfare of all people in Papua by continuing to encourage improvements in the quality of local human resources (HR) in the region.

The reason is that it is very important to improve the quality of local human resources in connection with efforts to improve the welfare of its citizens. If the quality of people does not improve, then how is it possible to improve the standard of living?

Moreover, in this case it means that the government is also trying to realize development but empowering, or you could say bottom-up. This is a very good approach when compared to top-down approaches which can actually seem to be ‘imposing their will’ and not in accordance with the aspirations of citizens.

In relation to improving the standard of living and welfare of the indigenous Papuan community (OAP) to be much better than before, Deputy for Coordination of Social Welfare Improvement at the Coordinating Ministry for Human Development and Culture (Menko PMK) Nunung Nuyantono is very optimistic that the Bumi Cenderawasih region will be able to reduce the poverty rate extreme.

Several steps taken by the Government to be able to resolve the problem of extreme poverty in Papua are by first identifying which areas are program priorities, then inviting and gathering all stakeholders or related stakeholders to jointly take a role in the business process in order to deal with poverty. it’s multidimensional.

Furthermore, the President of the Republic of Indonesia Joko Widodo (Jokowi) has set a target of reducing the extreme poverty rate to zero percent by 2024, which is six years faster than the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) target.

So, through Presidential Instruction (Inpres) Number 4 of 2022, all parties such as Governors to Regents or Mayors are tasked with coordinating and directly leading efforts to accelerate the eradication of extreme poverty in their respective regions.

Meanwhile, the Acting Governor of Central Papua, Ribka Haluk asked the Head of Regional Apparatus Organizations (OPD) within the Central Papua Provincial Government to continue to create programs that are able to encourage increased welfare for local indigenous Papuans (OAP).

Looking at the conditions of the people in the easternmost province of the country, of course there needs to be very serious attention from many parties in order to improve their economic conditions so that it also has an impact on improving the welfare of the residents.

Several methods have been implemented, such as identifying budding entrepreneurs and carrying out business training, which is being pursued by the Civil Registry Administration and Population Service. It is hoped that this fierce event will improve the local economy.

The central government has also carried out the expansion of new regions which makes it easier and faster to accelerate economic growth and encourage community welfare. It is just a matter of how to optimize it, including through strategic steps that are in accordance with community characteristics and local wisdom.

It is still related to efforts to build community welfare in Papua, but through the sector of improving the quality of human resources, the Teluk Wondama Regency Government (Pemkab), West Papua is collaborating with the Open University (UT) to support the education sector.

Teluk Wondama Regency Government and the Distance Learning Program Unit – Open University (UPBJJ-UT) signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU). Regent Hendrik Mambor acknowledged that the presence of UT has greatly helped the Regional Government in its efforts to improve the quality of human resources in Papua.

Not without reason, because the Open University is considered to have provided many kinds of convenience in terms of how to carry out higher education in the Papua region so that the quality of human resources has increased to become more advanced.

The collaboration between UT and the local government in Papua is a step forward taken to help all people in Bumi Cenderawasih, especially the less fortunate so that they can still access higher education in order to improve the quality of human resources.

It cannot be denied that human resources are a very important factor in development at any level, including prosperity. Because without being supported by quality human resources, many aspects of development will actually be hampered.

With so many human resources, especially young people, the potential for Papua is actually very large to continue to experience accelerated development, but this will happen as long as the quality of their human resources also improves.

Good education will clearly target improving the quality of human resources in the Papua region in order to encourage improvements in the standard of living and welfare of the community.

Fulfilling the rights of the young generation of Bumi Cenderawasih who live in underdeveloped areas must continue to be carried out by opening access to quality education, based on noble values ​​in accordance with the pillars of the state, which is sustainable for the future of the nation as well.

The Government has made every effort to continue to encourage increased welfare for the Papuan people, including efforts to support them in improving the quality of their local human resources.

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