Condemning OPM’s cruel actions of terrorizing medical personnel and teachers in Papua
By: Septi Paramita
Papua, a province at the eastern tip of Indonesia, is known for its stunning natural beauty and diverse cultural richness. However, behind the natural charm that is pleasing to the eye, there are deep wounds caused by acts of violence that continue to haunt this region. One group that is often associated with violence in Papua is the Free Papua Organization (OPM). This group has spread terror which not only disrupts security stability, but also destroys the foundations of people’s lives, including medical personnel and teachers.
OPM’s ruthless actions have created intense fear among the Papuan people. Those who should be the backbone of development, namely medical personnel and teachers, are the targets of inhumane cruelty. This action not only threatens their lives, but also destroys hopes for a better future for Papua.
Head of Cartenz 2024 Peace Operations, Senior Commissioner Faizal Ramadhani, said OPM was spreading terror in Paniai Regency, Central Papua. It is suspected that the armed group threatened medical personnel, teachers, students and burned residents’ houses on Friday night, May 24 2024. This terror has caused unrest and fear among the community. His party strongly condemns this brutal act and will respond to crush this group. His party will ensure that security and calm in Paniai Regency return to normal.
It is known that medical personnel are unsung heroes who work on the front lines to provide health services to the community. In Papua, their role is very vital considering the limited availability of adequate health facilities. However, acts of violence carried out by OPM make this noble task very dangerous.
Cases of attacks on medical personnel in Papua are not new. Various shooting and hostage-taking incidents have occurred, which often end tragically. As a result of this act of terror, many medical personnel are afraid to work in conflict-prone areas. Those who still survive have to work with anxiety and face very high risks. This constant uncertainty and threat of course has a negative impact on health services in Papua. People who need medical assistance often have to wait longer or don’t even get service at all.
Apart from medical personnel, teachers were also targets of violence perpetrated by OPM. Teachers in Papua are education warriors who fight hard to educate Papuan children. They serve themselves in remote areas with minimal facilities and limited conditions. However, their dedication is often met with violence.
Terror against teachers not only impacts the individual who is the victim, but also disrupts the teaching and learning process. Children who should receive an education are neglected and lose the opportunity to achieve a better future. In the long term, this will have a negative impact on the development of human resources in Papua.
Public Relations of the Cartens Peace Task Force, AKBP Bayu Suseno, said that his party would continue to increase security and provide protection to the community when carrying out activities. The number of security officers in vulnerable areas and routine patrols to prevent further acts of terror will continue to be increased because the safety of citizens is a priority.
The acts of violence carried out by the OPM must be strongly condemned by all elements of society. Violence can never be justified under any circumstances. The government and security forces must work together to ensure the security and safety of medical personnel and teachers serving in Papua. Preventive steps and strict law enforcement need to be taken to quell acts of terror carried out by armed groups.
Apart from that, support from the community is very necessary to provide enthusiasm and motivation to medical personnel and teachers. They are heroes who fight on the front lines to provide decent services and education for the Papuan people. Solidarity and moral support will be very meaningful for those who work in risky conditions.
The government also continues to improve welfare and protection for medical personnel and teachers in Papua. Adequate facilities and better security guarantees are priorities so that they can work calmly and focused. In this way, it is hoped that health and education services in Papua can continue to run well even in difficult situations.
Papua has great potential to develop and progress. However, this potential will not be realized if acts of violence continue. All parties must be committed to creating a peaceful, safe and prosperous Papua. Only with conducive conditions can medical personnel and teachers work optimally and make a real contribution to Papua’s development.
We all hope that the violence in Papua will end soon. The Papuan people have the right to live in peace and receive adequate services. Let us together condemn the acts of violence committed by the OPM and fully support efforts to create a better Papua.
)* The author is a student living in Bandung