Supporting the Integrity of State Civil Apparatus in the 2024 Regional Elections
By : Rizky Pratama )*
The 2024 Regional Head Election (Pilkada) is getting closer and all parties are encouraged to make this agenda a success, including the State Civil Apparatus (ASN). With the full support of ASN through the professionalism and integrity of ASN, it is hoped that the implementation of the Pilkada can run safely and smoothly.
In facing the 2024 regional elections, increasing the integrity of ASN is one of the government’s main focuses to ensure a fair and transparent election process. Strong ASN integrity is needed to maintain neutrality, avoid abuse of authority, and prevent corrupt practices and nepotism that can damage public trust in the democratic system.
This effort not only aims to create clean and honest regional elections, but also to strengthen the foundations of a government that is accountable and responsive to the needs of the community.
Ahead of the 2024 Simultaneous Regional Elections, Acting Governor of Central Java Komjen Pol (P) Drs. Nana Sudjana AS, MM, conveyed a clear and firm message to all ASN in Central Java Province. On several occasions, he emphasized that ASN must remain neutral and not be involved in practical political activities, including joining political parties or conducting campaigns. This confirmation was conveyed after inaugurating thousands of ASN within the Central Java Provincial Government, with the hope of creating a conducive atmosphere free from conflicts of interest during the Pilkada.
Efforts to maintain ASN neutrality are carried out with various preventive steps. Socialization regarding ASN neutrality will continue to be intensified. Apart from that, a letter and integrity pact will be signed. The Acting Governor also confirmed that these efforts have been implemented in the 2024 General Election, and will continue to be maximized during the upcoming Regional Election. In this way, the integrity of ASN can be maintained, and elections can take place fairly and transparently.
However, efforts to maintain ASN neutrality are not without challenges. Regarding the violation of neutrality, the Acting Governor stated that his party was still coordinating with the central government. This coordination is important to determine the types of violations that must be anticipated and how they should be handled.
Strict law enforcement is also part of this effort. In the previous election, several ASNs who were proven to have violated neutrality were sanctioned by the code of ethics and other strict sanctions. This shows the government’s commitment to enforcing regulations and maintaining the professionalism of ASN.
Not only in Central Java, similar challenges are also faced by ASN in various other regions. In Bengkalis Regency, for example, the Chair of the Bengkalis Regency Bawaslu, Usman, reminded ASN to always maintain neutrality in the implementation of the 2024 Simultaneous Regional Elections.
Usman emphasized that various forms of violations of ASN neutrality must be avoided in order to realize clean and democratic regional elections. In a meeting with the Regent of Bengkalis, Usman expressed the importance of support from the Bengkalis Regency Government to ensure the neutrality of ASN during the Pilkada.
Socialization regarding matters that fall into the category of ASN non-neutrality in regional elections must also continue to be intensified. The Regional Secretary of Central Java Province, Sumarno, added that many ASN may not understand whether their actions fall into the neutral category or not. Therefore, intensive and clear socialization is very necessary. Don’t let ASN’s lack of understanding of neutrality rules cause them to be caught in violations.
Chairman of the Central Java Election Supervisory Agency (Bawaslu), Muhammad Amin, emphasized that ASN neutrality is one of the challenges that must be faced during the Pilkada stages. To overcome this challenge, Bawaslu continues to coordinate with the Central Java Provincial Government to guard the neutrality of ASN. Apart from that, supervision also involves the community, academics, students and other parties to ensure that the regional elections run well.
The importance of ASN neutrality is also highlighted in the context of ASNs wishing to participate in regional election contestations. If an ASN wants to nominate themselves, they must relinquish their status as ASN in accordance with applicable regulations. This is to avoid conflicts of interest and ensure that the regional election process is fair and democratic.
In Bengkalis, Bawaslu of Bengkalis Regency is also making various efforts to monitor the neutrality of ASN. Usman, Chair of the Bengkalis Bawaslu, said that his party had appointed election supervisors at the sub-district level and recruited supervisors at the sub-district and village levels. Support from the Bengkalis Regency Government, both in the form of facilities and budget, is very helpful in carrying out this supervisory task.
The Regent of Bengkalis, Kasmarni, in his speech also conveyed the importance of regional government support for Bawaslu in overseeing the implementation of the Pilkada. The Bengkalis Regency Government will continue to provide support so that the regional elections can run smoothly, safely and peacefully. Kasmarni also asked for instructions and guidance from Bawaslu of Bengkalis Regency to ensure that all ASN within the Bengkalis Regency Government understand and understand the provisions in the 2024 regional head election.
On this occasion, the Regent of Bengkalis also said that his party would provide access and convenience in using ferries the crossing at Roro during the Pilkada stages was carried out. This priority is given as a form of support so that monitoring work can be carried out quickly and without obstruction.
All parties, including the government, Bawaslu and the community, must play an active role in monitoring and supporting this process. In this way, the 2024 regional elections can produce quality regional leaders who are able to bring progress to society.
Maintaining ASN neutrality in the 2024 Simultaneous Regional Elections is a big challenge that must be faced with seriousness and high commitment. All parties, from local government, Bawaslu, to the community, must collaborate to ensure that ASN can carry out their duties with integrity and professionalism. Let us together maintain the neutrality of ASN in order to create regional elections that are fair, democratic and bring progress to the nation.
)* The author is a contributor to the Persada Institute