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Nusantara Student Dormitory Becomes the Best Place to Produce Indonesia’s Superior Generation


The Nusantara Student Dormitory (AMN) is indeed the best place to produce the nation’s next generation of superior young people in all corners of Indonesia without exception. The existence of the State Intelligence Agency (BIN) initiation building will clearly have a very significant influence.

The reason is, in the Nusantara Student Dormitory building, young people will receive a lot of education, training and coaching so that they can become a superior generation in Indonesia.

The existence of a superior generation in Indonesia itself is also very important, because in this way it is not impossible for this nation to become more advanced and developed in the future.

The government, through various related Ministries and Institutions such as BIN, Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology (Kemendikbudristek), Ministry of Defense (Kemenhan) and Ministry of Religion (Kemenag) built the Archipelago Student Dormitory (AMN) with the aim of realizing the basic implementation of Pancasila in the world education to become more massive.

Therefore, the existence of AMN itself is specifically for sons and daughters from various regions in Indonesia. The President of the Republic of Indonesia, Joko Widodo (Jokowi), built this building to facilitate all students from the East to the West end of the country.

Therefore, after previously having great success with the construction of the AMN in Surabaya, now the State Intelligence Agency is carrying out the second development in Manado, which will also continue to various other points such as Makassar, Yogyakarta, Jakarta.

To produce a superior generation from youth or students, the government provides them with full scholarships through the LPDP from the Ministry of Finance (Kemenkeu) while studying. It’s not just tuition fees, even the younger generation also gets living expenses.

Of course, the existence of AMN, including in Surabaya and Manado, is currently able to help all students from various regions and is a concrete manifestation of the government’s attention to young human resources (HR) in Indonesia.

Regarding this matter, the Head of Sub-Directorate for Region III, Directorate of Strategic Infrastructure, Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing, Endra Bekti, explained that the construction of AMN facilities in Manado continues to be in progress. Not only that, the PUPR Ministry together with contractors continue to accelerate development, especially in the Block A area or the Boys’ Dormitory Building. All of this needs to be implemented so that construction can be completed on time.

By providing these students with very complete and qualified facilities, their determination in studying becomes much higher and they are very serious about becoming successful people, so that later when they enter society directly, they can build his own homeland.

President Jokowi emphasized that the construction of AMN Manado aims to unite all sons and daughters from various regions in Indonesia in the same place to live.

So that when young people are able to meet and live under the same roof even though they have different backgrounds, they can further strengthen unity and unity and produce mutual cooperation in developing the country in the future.

It is not enough just to aim to make the young generation aware of each other’s differences, but the government through BIN also continues to provide various forms of education and training in national insight so that they all grow up as a superior generation.

It is not impossible that by gathering all students from all corners of the country in this dormitory, this nation and state will become much stronger. Because harmony and cohesiveness will be able to become a great force.

Meanwhile, Head of the Pancasila Ideology Development Agency (BPIP), Prof. KH Yudian Wahyudi also admitted that the construction of the Nusantara Student Dormitory was to educate students to have a strong Pancasila character. Therefore, he expressed great appreciation to the government and BIN in their efforts to build superior Indonesian human resources.

AMN Manado is a very good place for its residents, because they will all continue to experience honing their skills, then the most important thing is the growth of the spirit of nationalism, defending the country and the ideals for Indonesia.

On the other hand, the Governor of North Sulawesi (Sulut) Olly Dondokambey through the North Sulawesi Provincial Regional Secretary (Sekdaprov), Steve HA Kepel also expressed very high appreciation for all parties who have realized the Student Dormitory construction project in Manado, especially the State Intelligence Agency.

The reason is, the construction of AMN Manado itself is not just a physical building, but also a symbol of the very strong commitment of the government and BIN to the development of young and superior human resources (HR) in Indonesia.

The best place for the nation’s young generation to further improve their quality so that they can become superior Human Resources (HR) in Indonesia is located in the Manado Nusantara Student Dormitory (AMN). This is because there they will find an environment that is very conducive to continuing to learn, be creative and collaborate.

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