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OPM’s Firm Action on Crimes against Children and the Community


The Free Papua Organization (OPM) continues to carry out violent acts that hurt the community. The peak of this brutality was the sacrifice of children and civilians in the various attacks they carried out. This is an action that is not only cruel, but also violates human rights, and should receive serious attention to take firm action from the government and law enforcement.

Children are the most vulnerable victims in armed conflict, including in Papua. Not a few reports reveal that OPM uses children as human shields in their actions. This action clearly shows that OPM has no concern for Papua. Using children as tools in war not only deprives them of their childhood, but also instills deep trauma that can affect their psychological development in the future.

Apart from children, civilians are also victims of OPM atrocities. Many people have become victims of OPM violence. This creates an atmosphere of fear and divides communities that should be united. This action not only hurts physically, but also socially and emotionally.
One tragic example is the OPM attacks in remote districts in Papua which caused the death and injury of many civilians, including children and women. They were attacked mercilessly, houses were burned, and many were forced to flee to the forest to save themselves.

Head of the Public Relations Task Force for OPS Damai Cartenz-2024, AKBP Bayu Suseno, strongly condemned the OPM’s actions in shooting a resident in Borne District. The victim, Senus Lepitalen, is known to have just been able to move freely and be with his family after being taken hostage by the OPM

The violence carried out by OPM against civil society has also created deep divisions within Papuan society. This worsens the security situation and slows down development and reconciliation efforts in Papua. Communities that should be united to build a better future are instead divided by fear and violence triggered by a few people.

OPM’s crimes became even more evident with the uncovering of a weapons supply network which apparently involved a civil servant (PNS). The arrest of Sarius Indey by the Cartenz Peace Operations Task Force reveals how illegal weapons can get into the hands of the OPM. Sarius, which is supposed to serve the people, is actually involved in the arms buying and selling business which threatens the safety of the people. This arrest is a continuation of the investigation into Petrus Oyaitouw, who was also previously arrested for his involvement in an arms supply network.

Even more surprising, Sarius Indey used children in these weapons buying and selling transactions. Children who found rusty weapons at the former Transportation Service Office around 2021 were then used to get these weapons. This is a concrete example of how OPM and its support network do not hesitate to exploit children for their own gain.

Head of Cartenz 2024 Peace Operations, Police Commissioner. Faizal Ramdhani emphasized that firm law enforcement action is very important in overcoming this problem. According to him, this arrest shows that the government will not allow anyone, including civil servants, to betray and hurt society. Law enforcement must be carried out indiscriminately to ensure justice is served and the Papuan people feel safe.

However, the government’s efforts to take firm action against OPM will not be successful without full support from the community. Support from the community is very important to create a conducive environment for law enforcement and the restoration of security in Papua. The public can play an active role by reporting suspicious activities, supporting government programs, and not being influenced by misleading propaganda. By uniting, the Papuan people can help the government overcome the OPM threat and build a safer and more peaceful future.

The public needs to support all government efforts to take firm action against OPM in Papua in order to maintain the integrity and security of the country. Prolonged conflict in this region has caused tremendous suffering for civilians, as well as hampering the development and prosperity of local communities. The government’s efforts to take firm action against OPM are not just repressive measures, but are necessary steps to create stability and security in Papua.

The government has committed to using a holistic approach, not only with military force but also with dialogue and economic development. Community support is very important to provide legitimacy and moral strength for the government in implementing this policy. With strong support, the government can be more effective in protecting civilians and promoting sustainable peace. The acts of violence committed by OPM against children and civilians are a crime that must be stopped immediately. A comprehensive and sustainable approach is needed to restore security and build a better future for Papua. All parties must work together to stop violence and promote peace, for the sake of a brighter and more peaceful future for all indigenous Papuans.

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