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Government accelerates development in Papua as mandated by law


The Indonesian government has intensified development efforts in Papua as part of the mandate of the Papua Special Autonomy Law which has been updated with Law no. 2 of 2021. This step is part of the government’s commitment to overcome development disparities and improve the welfare of people in the region.

The Papua Special Autonomy Law was first enacted in 2001 in an effort to give local governments more authority to manage resources and set development policies. UU no. 21 of 2001 became the legal basis for accelerating development, but along the way, the implementation of this law faced various challenges, including bureaucratic, security and corruption problems.

In order to renew and strengthen development efforts in Papua, the government passed Law no. 2 of 2021 which aims to optimize the implementation of Special Autonomy. These changes include increasing the allocation of funds, as well as stricter monitoring of the use of these funds to ensure a positive impact on the Papuan people.

Deputy Minister of Home Affairs, John Wempi Wetipo, said that the construction of a government center in Central Papua Province is a regulatory mandate relating to the New Autonomous Region (DOB) of Papua, especially the construction of the Governor’s Office, the Papua People’s Assembly (MRP) Office, and the Papua People’s Representative Council (DPRP) Building. ).

According to him, progress in the development of the central government of Central Papua Province has begun to be seen physically. This can be observed from land clearing activities and preparing drainage at the location of the provincial government center. Wempi hopes that the construction of government infrastructure throughout the Papua region can be built in the near future to support the Simultaneous Regional Election process on November 27. The formation of 4 new autonomous regions in Papua can raise the dignity of the indigenous Papuan people so that a new Papua can be realized.

The government has developed several main strategies to accelerate development in Papua. One of the main focuses is infrastructure development, such as roads, bridges, airports and ports. It is hoped that this infrastructure development will open up accessibility and connectivity between regions in Papua, which has so far been one of the main obstacles in economic development.

Chairman of Commission II of the DPR RI, Ahmad Doli, said that development should be prioritized at the entrance to the government center. There are five indicators of the development process at the center of government that are looked at. First,  basic design,  technical planning, tender schedule, building construction, and when it will be completed. This is important so that when administering government in the new province, there are sufficient and more measurable facilities.

Governments in other Papua Special Regions can imitate similar steps taken by Acting. Governor of Central Papua Rebekah Haluk and staff. On the other hand, supervision over the use of Special Autonomy funds has also been tightened to prevent corruption and ensure that these funds are truly used for the benefit of the community. The Financial and Development Supervisory Agency (BPKP) and the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) are actively involved in this supervision.

The government has developed several main strategies to accelerate development in Papua. One of the main focuses is infrastructure development, such as roads, bridges, airports and ports. It is hoped that this infrastructure development will open up accessibility and connectivity between regions in Papua, which has so far been one of the main obstacles in economic development.

The success of development in Papua also depends greatly on the active role of the community and local government. Community participation in the planning and implementation process of development programs is very important to ensure that their needs and aspirations are met. Through a participatory approach, the community is invited to participate in monitoring and providing input on the projects being implemented.

Even though various efforts have been made, development in Papua is not free from various challenges. One of the main challenges is the difficult and widely spread geographic conditions of Papua, which makes it difficult to access infrastructure development. Apart from that, security issues related to separatist groups are still a serious threat that can hamper the development process.

To overcome this challenge, the government is working with various parties, including security forces, to ensure conditions conducive to development. Socialization programs and a more humane approach are also implemented to embrace the Papuan people and reduce the potential for conflict.

Regional governments are also expected to be more responsive and innovative in managing Special Autonomy funds. Increasing the capacity of local government officials through training and coaching continues so that they are able to carry out their duties better.

With the various efforts that have been and continue to be made, the hope is that Papua can catch up and enjoy the results of equitable development. Improving the quality of life of the Papuan people is the main goal that must be realized through synergy between the central government, regional governments and all components of society.

Development in Papua is not only about physical infrastructure, but also complete human development. Education, health, economy and cultural preservation must be the main concerns so that Papua can progress and prosper within the framework of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia.

As mandated by law, development in Papua must continue to be promoted with a spirit of justice and prosperity for all Indonesian people. Only in this way can the dream of developing Indonesia from the periphery and reducing disparities between regions be achieved.

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