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Beware of Money Politics in the 2024 Regional Elections


In every general election, especially the 2024 Simultaneous Regional Head Election (Pilkada), the phenomenon of money  politics  still a big challenge that must be faced. This practice, which has long been ingrained in our political dynamics, must be immediately eliminated in order to create honest, fair and democratic elections. The practice of money politics in regional elections is a serious threat to democracy and the quality of leadership in Indonesia.

Political observer from Kosgoro Banyumas, Is Heru Permana, stated that money politics must be eliminated to ensure fair elections and integrity. By eliminating the practice of money politics in every election, he hopes that people can become intelligent and qualified voters by choosing leadership candidates who really think about the people. However, if there is still the practice of money politics, he said, how can prospective leaders who practice money politics think about society?

One of the biggest challenges in eradicating money politics is the cultural reality that exists in society, especially in Banyumas Raya, where the term “ora uwek ora obos” or “no money, no voting” is still very strong. This shows how embedded this practice is in the electoral process at the local level. Eliminating this habit requires collaborative efforts from various elements of society.

Money politics creates a cycle of distrust and corruption. Candidates who use money to buy votes tend to be more concerned with returning the capital they have spent rather than fighting for the interests of the people. As a result, elected leaders often do not have a strong commitment to serving society and tend to be trapped in corrupt practices to recover political costs that have been incurred.

To overcome this problem, effective political education is necessary. Is Heru Permana emphasized the important role of the KPU and Bawaslu in providing political education to the community. Higher education institutions and the mass media must also be actively involved in providing information and learning to the public regarding the importance of choosing leaders based on qualifications and integrity, not because of money.

Meanwhile, the Chairman of Bawaslu RI, Rahmat Bagja, assessed that the practice of money politics has the potential to take place at several crucial stages, starting from registration in the form of buying and selling support for political parties, the campaign period, to the quiet period before voting.

Eliminating money politics is not an easy task. This is a phenomenon that has long been woven into our political practice. However, with the cooperation of all parties, from election organizers, educational institutions, the media, to society itself, change can definitely occur. Continuous political education and strong awareness campaigns can change people’s views on money politics.

Chairman of Bawaslu Bantul, Didik Joko Nugroho, said that his party is collaborating with all levels of NU and Muhammadiyah management from district to sub-district level, to be active in participatory monitoring activities. He stated that, concretely, election supervisors will invite NU and Muhammadiyah administrators and members to be active in preventing violations in the election stages of the regent and deputy regent of Bantul in the 2024 simultaneous regional elections. According to Didik, cooperation with the largest Islamic organization in Indonesia is important because of its potential. vulnerabilities in elections, including money politics, politicization of SARA, hate speech, and hoaxes or fake news.

Society must also have the courage to reject money politics. Refusal can be done subtly when offered money to vote for a particular candidate. This awareness needs to be accompanied by the courage to make choices based on conscience and the criteria of an ideal leader.

Eliminating money politics cannot be done by one party alone. All elements of society, including election organizers, educational institutions, mass media and society itself must unite. Only with strong cooperation and high commitment can the practice of money politics be eliminated, and a healthy democracy can be realized.

Apart from that, mass media has a strategic role in educating the public about the dangers of money politics. The media must actively voice the importance of clean and fair elections and highlight the negative impacts of money politics. In this way, the media is not only a conveyer of information, but also an agent of change that can help create more critical and wise voters.

Ultimately, the greatest change must come from society itself. People must realize that their voice is the key to a better future. They must have the courage to reject every form of money politics and choose based on the capabilities and integrity of potential leaders. When people become intelligent voters, prospective leaders will be more motivated to win people’s hearts with clear programs and visions, not with money

The 2024 Simultaneous Pilkada is an important momentum for Indonesia to show progress in democracy. By eliminating money politics, we can ensure that the elected leaders are truly capable and committed to advancing the region and the welfare of the people. Let’s realize clean, fair and dignified elections for the sake of a better future for Indonesia.

Inviting the public to be aware of and reject money politics in the 2024 Simultaneous Regional Elections is an important step towards a healthier democracy with integrity. With good political education, the active role of the media, and people’s courage to reject money politics, we can realize clean and fair elections. Choose leaders based on their capabilities, national connectivity and capital capabilities, not because of the money they give. In this way, we can hope that there will be leaders who really think about the people and regional development, not personal interests.

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