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Government synergy with the KPU and Bawaslu is the key to success in the 2024 regional elections


Regional Head Elections (Pilkada) which will be held simultaneously in 2024 will be a barometer of the success of the democratic system that has been built. In welcoming this regional election, synergy between the government, the General Election Commission (KPU), and the Election Supervisory Body (Bawaslu) is a crucial factor that determines the success of holding honest, fair and transparent elections.

The government has a strategic role in holding regional elections. As a facilitator, the government has provided adequate infrastructure and ensured that the election process runs smoothly.

Regarding this matter, the Minister of Home Affairs (Mendagri), Tito Karnavian, said that regional governments should facilitate the KPU and Bawaslu which do not have offices or even warehouses to carry out the 2024 Simultaneous Pilkada. As well as the Regional Government to use regular funds or unexpected expenditure (BTT) to assist the KPU and Bawaslu. If the regional government requires a legal basis for using BTT, the Ministry of Home Affairs will issue a circular (SE) so that the implementation of the 2024 Simultaneous Regional Elections can be successful.






The government also continues to ensure that the budget is available for the implementation of the regional elections. These funds are used to support the entire process, from preparation, implementation, to monitoring and handling disputes.

Not only that, the Government is also responsible for providing the logistics and infrastructure needed by the KPU and Bawaslu. This includes the provision of polling stations (TPS), voting equipment, as well as information technology facilities that support the smooth running of the election process.

Meanwhile, security is also a consideration, where this security includes the protection of candidates, election organizers and voters, so that they can exercise their voting rights without intimidation or threats.

Meanwhile, during a coordination visit to the Pinrang Regency KPU office, Acting. Pinrang Regent Ahmadi Akil revealed that one of the duties of the Minister of Home Affairs that must be carried out after he is appointed Acting. The Regent of Pinrang’s goal is to make the process and stages of the Pilkada a success. Collaboration must be built between all related parties so that they can work together in carrying out tasks

Meanwhile, the KPU said that there was no possibility of committing fraud. The KPU has tried to maximize the technical side, if there are deficiencies, there are still routes that can be taken, including coordinating with Bawaslu.

The Indonesian Election Supervisory Body (Bawaslu) assesses that the relationship between election organizers (KPU and Bawaslu) must always be in synergy in all stages of the 2024 General Election and Pilkada. Bawaslu member, Herwyn JH Malonda, said that the aim of this synergy is so that the stages carried out by the two institutions remain in accordance with existing regulations.

Synergy between the two institutions can be implemented by mutually correcting work that is deemed not in accordance with law and ethics. This synergistic relationship should not be misused for the sake of something else. So that public trust in the work of the two institutions will increase.

The KPU has the main task of ensuring that the entire election process runs in accordance with statutory regulations. Meanwhile, Bawaslu supervises all stages of the regional elections, from candidate registration to the announcement of election results. This supervision is carried out to ensure that the entire process runs in accordance with applicable regulations.

The success of the 2024 regional elections really depends on the synergy between the government, KPU and Bawaslu. Good cooperation between these three institutions will ensure that the regional elections can run smoothly and in accordance with democratic principles.

This is important to ensure that all stages of the Pilkada can run in an integrated manner and without obstacles. Regular coordination meetings between these three institutions are very necessary to discuss and resolve various issues that may arise.

These various elements must also work together to increase public participation in the regional elections. Socialization and education to the public regarding the importance of participating in regional elections must be carried out on a massive scale. High participation from the community will be an indicator of the success of democratic regional elections.

Synergy between the government, KPU and Bawaslu is the main key in realizing a successful 2024 regional election. On the other hand, Bawaslu must also collaborate with law enforcement and judicial institutions to handle regional election disputes quickly and effectively. Protracted disputes can disrupt political stability and public trust in the election process. Good cooperation between these three institutions will ensure that the regional elections can be carried out honestly, fairly and transparently. With adequate budget support, strict supervision and high public participation, it is hoped that the 2024 Pilkada can be a successful example for the implementation of democracy in Indonesia. Existing challenges must be faced with appropriate solutions so that the democratic process can continue to run well and produce quality leaders for the nation.

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