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The Job Creation Law Gives Young People the Opportunity to Invest in the Digital Economy Sector


The demands of economic globalization and increasingly strong competition between countries continue to grow, the government continues to try to find ways to face these challenges. The Job Creation Law (UU) can be the most appropriate answer to be a way out of all the problems that are currently occurring, especially during the development of information technology and its digitalization.

The Job Creation Law, which was passed in Indonesia in October 2020, aims to overhaul economic and investment regulations in Indonesia. Namely to encourage investment by simplifying the licensing process and reducing bureaucracy, with the hope of creating jobs and driving the economy.

Economic observer, Dendi Ramdani, said that the Job Creation Law is also considered an important step in avoiding the middle income trap (middle income countries) which can hinder the development of developing countries. According to him, the issuance of the Job Creation Law is part of the structural reform of the Indonesian economy to avoid the trap of middle-income countries in the future.






The role of the younger generation in this law can be accommodated through opportunities to be more actively involved in investment and economic development. With the ease of investing, the younger generation can start a business or take advantage of available business opportunities. Apart from that, efforts to reduce bureaucracy and simplify regulations are also expected to open the door for the younger generation to develop innovation and expand their involvement in the economic sector.

Chair of the Job Creation Law Task Force Socialization Strategy Working Group, Dimas Oky Nugroho, said that entrepreneurship can be started on a small scale through Small Micro and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) or running contemporary businesses such as cafes, culinary businesses and other products that can generate added economic value. The Job Creation Law emphasizes the importance of education and training that is relevant to the needs of the modern job market. This is important to prepare the younger generation with the skills necessary to compete in an increasingly competitive and dynamic job market.

However, the Job Creation Law has also attracted controversy and criticism from various parties, including from the younger generation itself. Some parties are concerned about the potential negative impact on workers’ rights and the environment, as well as the sustainability of development. Therefore, the implementation of this law needs to be carried out carefully and consider various aspects, including the long-term interests of the young generation in building a sustainable and inclusive economic future.

The role of the younger generation in the Job Creation Law in Indonesia can be seen from several points of view, including that the younger generation is often the driving force behind startups and new businesses. The Job Creation Law also has the potential to open up more formal employment opportunities. The younger generation who have just graduated or are looking for work can benefit from the increased investment and economic growth expected as a result of this law.

They can be involved in various economic sectors that are increasingly developing. Part of the young generation who is educated and socially active may also play a role in ensuring that the implementation of the Job Creation Law takes place transparently and fairly. They can monitor how these policies impact workers’ rights, the environment, and sustainability, and advocate for improvements where necessary.

The younger generation can also play an important role in disseminating information about the Job Creation Law, including related rights and obligations. They can use their education to increase legal awareness among their peers and the wider public, thereby better understanding the implications and impact of these policies.

By encouraging investment in the digital economy sector and technology startups , the younger generation can contribute to accelerating digital transformation in Indonesia, which is in line with the vision of the Job Creation Law to create an economy based on knowledge and innovation. As agents of social change, the younger generation can take a role in educating the community around them about the benefits and potential risks of the Job Creation Law. They can organize discussion forums, seminars, or information campaigns to increase public understanding of the implications of these policies.

Thus, the younger generation has a great opportunity to contribute positively to the implementation of the Job Creation Law, especially through investment and sustainable economic initiatives. They can be a driving force for inclusive and sustainable economic growth in Indonesia, while ensuring that the long-term interests of society and the environment are well looked after. The younger generation needs to be able to act as agents of change who are critical, responsible and oriented towards the long-term interests of society and the country. In this way, they can contribute positively to building a better economic future.

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