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By : Julvri Liben )*

The sustainability of Papua’s development is an important focus for the government and all parties involved in the development of the region. Several aspects that are highlighted in achieving sustainable development in Papua include investment in the development of basic infrastructure such as roads, bridges and other means of transportation to increase connectivity and accessibility. Then improve the quality of education by expanding access to schools and raising learning standards to prepare Papua’s young generation to face future challenges.

In supporting sustainable development in Papua, the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) signed a Government Cooperation Project Agreement with Business Entities (KPBU) for the Construction of the Trans Papua Road for the Jayapura-Wamena Road Segment, Mamberamo-Elelim Segment in Mountainous Papua Province.

Minister of PUPR, Basuki Hadimuljono, said that the construction of this road had been planned since the era of President Soeharto’s government in the early 1980s to connect Jayapura-Wamena, especially for logistics so as to reduce the level of expensive goods and services. Apart from that, the construction of this road will certainly improve the welfare of the people in Papua. Basuki also appreciated the Ministry of Finance (Kemenkeu), PT PII, and PT Hutama Mambelim Trans Papua for being willing to help realize the construction of this road.

The 50.14 kilometer (km) Mamberamo-Elelim segment which will be built under the PPP scheme is part of the Jayapura-Wamena section. The scope of construction also includes bridge construction, a motorized weighing unit, handling slopes and cliffs during the service period. The form of cooperation for this PPP project is Design, Build, Finance, Operate, Maintenance and Transfer with a cooperation period of 15 years. The details are 2 years construction period and 13 years service period with return on investment through the Availability Payment (AP) scheme. With an investment value of IDR 3.3 trillion, the project received government guarantees from PT PII.

The existence of the Trans Papua road can help improve the quality of life of the community by facilitating better access to public services such as health and education. This can contribute to increasing social welfare and reducing poverty levels. The construction of the Trans Papua road can also reduce social and political isolation between various ethnic groups in Papua. This can pave the way for dialogue between groups, increasing intercultural awareness and tolerance.

Meanwhile, Deputy Minister of Home Affairs (Wamendagri), John Wempi Wetipo, said that development in Papua is becoming more massive after the inauguration of four New Autonomous Regions (DOB). For this reason, there needs to be a balance in development that meets the needs of the current generation and ensures the needs of future generations. Apart from that, development in Papua needs to pay attention to many things, one of which is the local context, because development that takes into account natural conservation and local wisdom is the key to success in developing Papua in the future.

Papua has very abundant natural resource potential, such as mines, forests and marine resources. So that with proper development we can manage these resources sustainably for long-term interests. Development that involves the participation of the Papuan people can strengthen local capacity in managing resources and building a sustainable local economy. In addition, by increasing government presence and infrastructure in Papua, the government can strengthen state sovereignty and ensure that development policies run in line with national aspirations and interests.

The importance of development in Papua is not only to improve the economic welfare of local communities, but also to strengthen social integration, increase political stability, and optimize the use of Papua’s natural potential for overall national prosperity. Therefore, development in Papua needs to be carried out by paying attention to sustainability, justice and a balance between economic development with environmental preservation and local wisdom.

Apart from that, the Acting Governor of Central Papua, Ribka Haluk, said that as a continuation of development in Central Papua, his party is building a Central Papua Province Government Center (Puspem) by carrying out the concept of a  grand smart city  and maintaining green areas. At the Puspem location, there will be offices, housing and community areas, as well as underground electrical system installations. Currently, the construction process is in the PUPR Ministry, and all documents and master plans have been provided.

The construction of a government center in Central Papua is a strategic step to strengthen the government’s presence and improve public services in the region. A good government center will increase the government’s presence and closeness to the people of Central Papua. This will help in providing public services that are more effective and responsive to community needs.

Then, with an adequate government center, administrative and public services such as business permits, population administration, development permits, and social services can be improved significantly. This will make it easier for people to access these services without having to travel far. Furthermore, as an administrative center, the government center can become an economic center that promotes business and trade activities in the surrounding area. This can create new jobs and support local economic growth.

)* Students from Papua live in Yogyakarta

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