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AMN is Able to Give Birth to the Next Generation of High Quality and Competitiveness


 By: Grace Kandouw *)

The Nusantara Student Dormitory (AMN), which was initiated by the State Intelligence Agency (BIN), is believed to be able to produce the nation’s next generation of high quality and competitiveness. It is hoped that the existence of high quality human resources can accelerate the realization of Advanced Indonesia 2045.

The existence of the nation’s next generation who have high quality and competitiveness is clearly very important for the continued success of the vision of achieving a Golden Indonesia by 2045 and turning the country into an increasingly advanced country.

To get a quality and competitive next generation, of course it is not easy and just happens, but there must be struggle and hard work. Therefore, the Indonesian Government then launched a strategic program through the initiation of BIN, namely the construction of AMN.

A child observer, Femmy Eka Kartika Putri, said that youth development has an important and strategic role in realizing Indonesian human resources (HR) that are more advanced, qualified and competitive.

This is not without reason, because the next generation of the nation in Indonesia actually has great potential. So with the great potential they have, they should be able to utilize them to contribute to every aspect of nation development, especially in efforts to advance the national economy.

The development of national entrepreneurship really presupposes strategic coordination across sectors providing youth services so that it is able to provide new breakthroughs in creating quality and competitive youth.

Young people should have the opportunity and the main place to continue to develop themselves and their surrounding environment. One of the government’s efforts through the initiation of the State Intelligence Agency (BIN) is the construction of the Archipelago Student Dormitory (AMN) in which there is a lot of guidance and education that is useful for the younger generation, including entrepreneurial activities to reduce unemployment and reduce poverty.

The realization of the AMN strategic program is a concrete manifestation of the government’s breakthrough to accelerate the growth and ratio of entrepreneurship in the country, so that both the potential and problems of these young people must receive real attention.

The young generation who has high quality and competitiveness will play an important role in realizing and overseeing national economic growth, especially in the current era of society 5.0.

The digital economy is a sector that continues to experience significant growth. Along with the advent of the era of digital transformation, the government continues to accelerate the digital economy in Indonesia, one of which is by developing skills for Generation Z or the Millennial Generation, through coaching and training in the Nusantara Student Dormitory (AMN).

Coordinating Minister (Menko) for Economic Affairs, Airlangga Hartarto, explained that the government continues to encourage the development of digital talent through various programs such as the National Digital Literacy Movement, Digital Talent Scholarship and Digital Leadership Academy including AMN.

However, to be successful in all efforts to improve the quality of young human resources and their competitiveness, of course requires coordination and synergy with all parties, including universities, because they can also encourage digitalization in all student learning programs, regardless of field.

Efforts to develop digital talent will have a positive impact on the growth of digitalization of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) in Indonesia.

In the current digital era, the nation’s next generation of young people must be able to utilize their abilities so that they do not only act as job seekers, but can also become job creators.

Because Indonesia itself has different and diverse societal backgrounds, the government really wants all elements of the nation to work together to maintain diversity as an advantage of this country, so that the percentage of youth quality and competitiveness will increase.

Regarding this desire, the government then promoted the program to build the Archipelago Student Dormitory (AMN). The building already has complete facilities in the form of modern facilities and infrastructure and is capable of being a residence for students from various provinces in Indonesia.

At the same time, the existence of AMN is an affirmative step to reduce inequality. According to the Head of BIN, Police General (Ret.) Prof. Dr. Budi Gunawan said that the Nusantara Student Dormitory is a follow-up to President Jokowi’s direction, which wants Indonesia to have a model of housing diversity.

In accordance with the Head of State’s direction, the aim of building AMN is to become a model for a house of diversity, a common home for the archipelago for all of the nation’s young generation by carrying out the values ​​of Pancasila and Bhinneka Tunggal Ika so that its alumni can spread out and become leaders of high excellence.

A lot of training and education from various parties, especially BIN as the initiator of AMN development, is able to give birth to the nation’s next generation of high quality and competitiveness.

*) Students live in Tomohon

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