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AMN Government Strategic Program to Improve the Quality of the Nation’s Human Resources


MANADO — The Nusantara Student Dormitory (AMN) is a strategic program from the Government of the Republic of Indonesia (RI) to improve the quality of the nation’s young human resources (HR).

Director of Strategic Infrastructure, Directorate General of Human Settlements, Ministry of PUPR, Ir. Essy Asiah revealed that the aim of developing AMN was as a forum to unite all students from various backgrounds.

So, young people who come from various ethnicities, languages, cultures, religions and also from various regions in Indonesia and various universities are able to live under the same roof.

They are all within the AMN framework to prepare human resources (HR) of quality, integrity and national character.

Ir. Essy also revealed that progress on the construction of the Nusantara Student Dormitory in Manado continues.

He also continues to encourage the contractor to ensure the progress of the construction.

“The contractor must make a work checklist every week,” said the Director of Strategic Infrastructure, Directorate General of Human Settlements, Ministry of PUPR.

Likewise, the Head of Sub-Directorate for Region II, Directorate of Strategic Infrastructure of the Ministry of PUPR, Endra Bekti, also stated that the construction of all AMN Manado facilities is continuing in progress.

Currently, the government together with contractors continue to accelerate construction to create buildings for strategic programs for the development of young human resources in the community.

“Construction of all Manado Nusantara Student Dormitory (AMN) facilities continues to be in progress,” said Endra.

Meanwhile, the Governor of North Sulawesi through the Regional Secretary of North Sulawesi Province, Steve HA Kepel, expressed high appreciation to all parties for the realization of AMN Manado.

According to him, full support from various parties, including the central government, regional governments and all stakeholders is a solid foundation for successful development.

Steve considers that the construction of AMN Manado is not just a physical building, but a strong commitment from the government through its strategic program for developing community human resources.

“The construction of AMN Manado is not just a physical building but a symbol of our commitment to human resource development,” he said.

“Through this dormitory we create a conducive environment for students from various regions in Indonesia to study, be creative and collaborate, especially those in North Sulawesi,” added the Governor of North Sulawesi through the Provincial Secretary Steve HA Kepel.

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