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Support Security Forces’ Efforts to Eradicate Online Gambling


Online gambling has become a serious problem in Indonesia, threatening public morals and damaging the social order. To overcome this problem, President Joko Widodo formed an Online Gambling Eradication task force (Satgas) through Presidential Decree (Keppres) Number 21 of 2024. This step shows the government’s commitment to eradicating online gambling which has penetrated various levels of society.

The negative impact of online gambling is not only limited to the moral aspect, but also economic. Many people fall into the vicious cycle of online gambling, spending money that should be used for daily living needs. Not infrequently, they are forced to go into debt or commit criminal acts to fulfill their gambling addiction. This of course has an impact on the family economy and society as a whole. Therefore, security forces’ efforts to eradicate online gambling are very important to maintain the economic stability of society.

Security forces have made various efforts to eradicate online gambling, starting from taking direct action against perpetrators, raiding online gambling sites, to blocking internet access to these sites. However, this effort will not be optimal without full support from the community. The public must actively participate in reporting online gambling practices to security forces and not hesitate to provide information that can help the prosecution process. Active community participation will be a major force in eradicating online gambling.

Vice President (Wapres) KH Ma’ruf Amin emphasized that the Online Gambling Eradication Task Force will act firmly against anyone involved, both organizers and participants. There is no tolerance, even if those involved are officials, members of the TNI/Polri, or KPK employees.

Meanwhile, concrete steps had also been taken by the National Police before the formation of the Task Force, with the disclosure of 3,975 online gambling cases in the last three years. Director of Cyber ​​Crime, Bareskrim Polri, Brigadier General Pol. Himawan Bayu Aji stated that the enforcement steps had involved 5,982 suspects and blocked 40,642 online gambling sites. Apart from that, frozen accounts reached 4,196 with assets confiscated amounting to IDR 817.4 billion. This effort shows that the government is serious about cracking down on online gambling which is detrimental to society.

However, enforcement efforts alone are not enough. There needs to be massive education and outreach to increase public awareness of the dangers of online gambling. Minister of Communication and Information Budi Arie Setiadi explained that his party had carried out various educational campaigns, including through SMS blasts and public service advertisements on radio. Apart from that, the Ministry of Communication and Information has cut off access to more than 2.9 million online gambling content. Collaboration with various digital platforms such as X, Telegram, Google, Meta and TikTok is also carried out to suppress the spread of online gambling content.

The Financial Services Authority (OJK) also plays an active role in efforts to eradicate online gambling by blocking more than 6,000 customer accounts that are indicated to be carrying out online gambling transactions. This step is important to break the financial chain used by online gamblers. Chief Executive of OJK Banking Supervision, Dian Ediana Rae, confirmed that OJK had asked banks to close accounts that were in the same Customer Identification File (CIF) as accounts that indicated online gambling.

Apart from that, OJK is also currently drafting and finalizing several regulatory provisions to support the eradication of online gambling. These steps include the Draft OJK Regulations (RPOJK) regarding financial conglomerates and financial conglomerate holding companies, as well as the RPOJK regarding written orders following amendments which are a mandate of the P2SK Law. It is hoped that this regulation can strengthen efforts to prevent and prosecute online gambling activities.

The importance of community support in eradicating online gambling cannot be ignored. President Jokowi firmly invites the public not to get involved in gambling, both offline and online. Education about the dangers of gambling and how it impacts the economy and society is very important. People must realize that gambling will only harm themselves and the environment.

Supporting the efforts of security forces in eradicating online gambling is our shared responsibility. Online gambling has a major negative impact on society’s morality, economy and social stability. Therefore, active community participation, education, the role of families and educational institutions, strengthening regulations, economic empowerment, psychological approaches, and international cooperation are very necessary in this effort. Overall, the government’s efforts to eradicate online gambling must be supported by all elements of society. Strict action against online gambling players, both organizers and participants, must be balanced with continuous education and outreach. The government and society must work together to break the chain of online gambling that is destroying the social and economic order. Together we must fight to eradicate online gambling for a better future for future generations. With strong commitment and cooperation, Indonesia can be free from the threat of online gambling and build a healthier and more prosperous society.

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