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Maintaining the Neutrality of the State Civil Apparatus to Realize the 2024 Regional Election with Integrity


The neutrality of the State Civil Apparatus (ASN) is a crucial aspect in the implementation of Regional Head Elections (Pilkada). As public servants, ASN has a big role and responsibility to remain neutral in every political process to ensure fair, transparent and successful regional elections. Ahead of the 2024 regional elections, the issue of ASN neutrality is once again in the spotlight considering its significant impact on the integrity and credibility of the democratic process in Indonesia.

ASN has a very important role in administering government and public services. They are the backbone of the bureaucracy which must work professionally, fairly and impartially. When ASNs are involved in practical politics or show support for one of the candidates, this can damage their integrity and objectivity as public servants. Therefore, maintaining ASN neutrality is an important step to ensure that the 2024 Pilkada runs well and the results can be accepted by all parties.

The neutrality of ASN is regulated in various statutory regulations, such as Law Number 5 of 2014 concerning State Civil Servants, as well as Government Regulation Number 53 of 2010 concerning Civil Servant Discipline. In this regulation, ASN is required to be neutral and not get involved in practical political activities. They are prohibited from providing support to certain candidates, either directly or indirectly, and are not allowed to use state facilities for political interests.


Even though the rules regarding ASN neutrality are clear, challenges in implementing them remain. One of the main challenges is political pressure from various parties, both inside and outside the government. This pressure can come in the form of requests to support certain candidates or threats to the ASN’s career if they do not comply with the request. Apart from that, the culture of patronage and loyalty to political leaders can also be an obstacle in maintaining ASN neutrality.

The Election Supervisory Agency (Bawaslu) has again reminded state civil servants (ASN) not to get involved in the 2024 Pilkada campaign, either directly or indirectly. Even though ASN have voting rights, Bawaslu hopes that they carry out their duties in accordance with their respective functions and responsibilities.

Bawaslu member, Herwyn JH Malonda, said that it is hoped that ASN will not be involved in the implementation of the election directly or indirectly. So that ASN really carries out their duties according to their respective functions. Other tasks will be carried out by other agencies.

Previously, Minister of Home Affairs Tito Karnavian stated that ASNs were allowed to be present during the campaign of candidate pairs for the 2024 simultaneous regional elections. The rules that allow ASNs to be present during campaigns are contained in Law Number 7 of 2017 concerning Elections. Even though they are allowed to attend, the role of ASNs is only to listen to the vision. the mission of regional leader candidates only, so that they have a reference for choosing a leader. As a form of neutrality, Tito Karnavian strictly prohibited ASN from actively campaigning, let alone mobilizing or directing other people to one of the regional head candidate pairs.

The Regional Secretary (Sekda) of Kutai Kartanegara (Kukar), Sunggono invited the State Civil Apparatus (ASN) to make the 2024 Simultaneous Regional Head Election (Pilkada) a success. All ASN in Kukar are reminded to remember that on November 27, make sure they attend the Polling Place (TPS) and give them the right to vote in the election of regent and deputy regent (wabup).

State servants who exercise their right to vote can help increase the number of voter participation in Kukar. Voter participation is an important element of the requirements for fulfilling a democratic system based on popular sovereignty. Use your right to vote properly, maintain neutrality and not get involved in practical politics ahead of the upcoming 2024 Simultaneous Regional Elections.

In this political year, ASN must be mature in politics and not bring each other down, even if they have different political views. Differences in views have become commonplace in the world of democratic parties, but this does not make it a reason to be hostile towards each other.

Togetherness and unity must be maintained together to maintain conducive security, not be easily divided, and to be a good example for society. ASN must be able to position themselves correctly so as not to create conflicts of interest that are detrimental to the state and society. If you are not neutral, there will be consequences and sanctions that must be borne according to the rules. ASN is threatened with disciplinary punishment and election crimes.

Acting (Pj) Governor of West Java, Bey Machmudin, reminded all state civil servants (ASN) of the West Java Provincial Government to remain neutral and not get involved in practical politics, especially approaching the 2024 regional elections which will be held simultaneously on November 27.

Bey asked for the commitment of ASN by showing their integrity as servants of the state and servants of the people, by not getting involved in political matters at all. ASN’s political rights as citizens can only be exercised in the voting booth on voting day, and are not demonstrated in everyday life, let alone recorded on social media.

According to him, ASN has the main task of serving the community without looking at a person’s background and political alignment to improve welfare. Apart from that, education for ASN is important considering that the simultaneous regional elections are only five months away. Because of this, socialization to ASN was held today. While the regional election stages continue at the General Election Commission (KPU), Bey asked all ASN to remain focused on their work and not be tempted to get involved in practical politics.

Maintaining the neutrality of ASN is a challenge that is not easy, but is very important to realize for the success of the 2024 Pilkada. It requires cooperation from various parties, including the government, supervisory institutions and the community, to ensure that ASN can carry out their duties professionally and without political interference. With a neutral ASN, we can realize fair, transparent and democratic regional elections, as well as strengthen public trust in the election process and its results.

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