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Apkam Commitment to Protect Papuan People from OPM Atrocities


Security forces are committed to protecting the people in Puncak Jaya, Central Papua from the cruelty of the Free Papua Organization (OPM). One of them is through firm action against three OPM members who have been proven to have committed violence against civilians.

OPM’s cunning strategy has proven to justify any means and has the heart to sacrifice civil society as a sacrifice. This is because OPM was recently proven to have provoked and spread propaganda so that the people in Puncak Jaya were incited, giving rise to acts of anarchy or riots after 3 of their members, led by Teranus Enumbi, were dealt with firmly by security forces.

Not only does it continue to intensify very cruel, barbaric and inhumane actions, it turns out that OPM also often carries out provocation and propaganda efforts against the public. This is related to the recent case of school burning in the Okbab District.

As is known, OPM gangs set fire to all elementary school (SD), junior high school (SMP) and vocational high school (SMK) buildings in Borban Village, Okbab District, Bintang Mountains Regency on July 12 2024.

According to the Head of Information for the Military Regional Command (Kapendam) more developed.

Therefore, the security forces then condemned and condemned very strongly the very disgraceful actions of the OPM. It is clear that here, the Bumi Cenderawasih separatist organization wants the children there not to receive education and not go to school so that it will be easier for them to carry out regeneration to recruit new members and sympathizers.

It was very sad to see how cruel and barbaric the OPM had the heart to burn down all the educational facilities in the form of school buildings in the Okbab District. Moreover, actually all the children there have very high enthusiasm to be able to receive education and learn in order to achieve their dreams and aspirations. However, all of that had to disappear because of the actions of terrorist groups who were enemies of the state.

Responding to their brutality, all joint security forces from the Indonesian National Army (TNI) or the Indonesian National Police (Polri) quickly responded quickly to chase and hunt down the perpetrators in order to enforce the law as fairly as possible and take action. said the school arsonists.

In fact, the strength of the OPM is absolutely nothing compared to the fighting power of the security forces of the Republic of Indonesia (RI). Therefore, after setting fire to the school, they immediately ran away.

Even though they fled, the security forces have a very strong commitment to arresting all the perpetrators because they have greatly harmed the future of the nation’s next generation. Moreover, officers are also trying to continue to maintain security and order in Papua.

Not only the security forces, but the entire local community also strongly criticized the OPM’s heinous actions, especially as they distorted the facts by creating provocative narratives and propaganda that seemed to be for the good of Papua itself. Even though it is very clear that the separatist gangs are destroying the learning and teaching facilities that people need every day.

Meanwhile, Head of Operations (Kaops) Damai Cartenz 2024, Brigadier General of Police (Brigjen Pol) Faizal Ramadhani said that his party was clearly paying great attention to how this case occurred so that they would participate in arresting OPM.

This incident really reflects an extraordinary crime which clearly requires the security forces to take firm action. Of course, when they learn of extraordinary crimes, neither the TNI nor Polri will remain silent in order to ensure strict law enforcement against the perpetrators.

Likewise, the Head of the Public Relations Task Force (Kasatgas Humas) for the 2024 Cartenz Peace Operation, Police Commissioner (Kombes Pol) Bayu Suseno also strongly criticized the OPM’s actions.

The burning cases they committed themselves have not only occurred once or twice, but similar cases have occurred several times on Earth of Cenderawasih. The act of burning a school is an inhumane act and cannot be tolerated any longer.

This incident also not only harmed one sector, namely education, but also harmed other sectors such as security and order in society (kamtibmas) so that fear or instability emerged among residents.

With OPM’s varied track record which is fond of inciting and spreading false issues or narratives that distort facts, the Papuan people should not be easily trapped and instead follow their wishes. The best attitude that society should take is to continuously be introspective and vigilant. Don’t let OPM’s attempts at narrative provocation and propaganda or fighting against one another succeed in inciting citizens. Because in reality they burned the school only for the benefit of their own group.

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