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Unite to Support the Eradication of Online Gambling


By : Haikal Fathan Akbar )*

The existence of online gambling has been proven to threaten family and community life. Therefore, all elements of society are encouraged to unite to combat gambling which can threaten the future of the younger generation.
Gambling, both online and offline, has a variety of damaging negative consequences. Starting from addiction, job loss, family breakdown, debt, to legal sanctions. This condition is exacerbated by the rise of online gambling applications in society which is increasingly supported by the convenience of technology.
Therefore, it is important for us to protect ourselves and those closest to us from the dangers of online gambling. Through effective collaboration between government and society, online gambling activities can be reduced and eliminated. Eradicating this crime is not only the government’s task, but requires collaboration with all elements of society.
In the last two years, data from the Online Gambling Eradication Task Force (Online Gambling Task Force) shows that at least 3 million more people have been exposed to online gambling. Hundreds of trillions of rupiah in public money is sucked up in online gambling games, ranging from hundreds of thousands to billions of rupiah in slot games.
Students, council members, university students, online motorcycle taxi drivers, ASN, police officers, and even housewives have all been caught in the snare of online gambling.
In the war against online gambling, the Ministry of Communication and Information (Kominfo) stands as one of the front guards. Kominfo is active in conducting outreach and education regarding the dangers of gambling to the public.
Education is carried out through various social media channels such as Instagram, TikTok and Facebook. Kominfo, through its Instagram account @literasidigitalkominfo, uploads educational and informative content that is packaged creatively to attract the public’s attention.
Apart from social media, Kominfo is also active in providing digital literacy both online and offline by inviting practitioners in the digital field. This effort involves various ministers and has been carried out since October last year until now.
The Minister of Communication and Information, the Minister of Home Affairs, and the Minister of Education and Culture directly went to campuses and educational institutions to convey the message of the “Stop Online Gambling” movement. This message is also conveyed at every flag ceremony in high schools/vocational schools throughout Indonesia.
Not only focusing on prevention, the Ministry of Communication and Information also enforces laws and regulations. In just one month, namely the period 1 to 30 June 2024, the Ministry of Communication and Information has blocked more than 347 thousand online gambling content. Cyber ​​patrols continue to be carried out and quick responses are given to public reports through available channels.
The Online Gambling Task Force is also not remaining silent. They continue to carry out operations such as freezing accounts, taking action against buying and selling accounts, and taking action against online game transactions through top ups at minimarkets.
The Director General of Information and Public Communication (IKP) of the Ministry of Communication and Information, Usman Kansong, explained the importance of preventive measures and strict law enforcement against online gambling. The new education channel is designed to make it easier for the public to obtain information and report online gambling practices.
The services available include the Stop Online Gambling Hotline, a copy of Presidential Decree number 21 of 2024, the Stop Online Gambling booklet, video public service advertisements, and content that can be disseminated by the public.
The TNI is also not left behind in efforts to eradicate online gambling. Pangdam IX/Udayana, Major General TNI Bambang Trisnohadi, stated the TNI’s strong determination to combat online gambling among soldiers. This statement is in line with strict instructions from the TNI Commander, General Agus Subiyanto, and the Army Chief of Staff (KSAD), General Maruli Simanjuntak.
Bambang hopes that all parties can unite in fighting online gambling. The sanctions applied are quite heavy, if it is found that they are involved, rehabilitation will be tried first. However, if you are involved in debt or have taken away a certain amount of money, dismissal is the way to go.
The West Java DPRD also plays an active role in eradicating online gambling. Commission III of the West Java Province DPRD asked the government to arrest online or conventional bookies.
According to Hasim Adnan, Secretary of Commission III DPRD West Java Province, blocking online gambling sites is not effective enough because sites are easy to replicate and creating online gambling sites is very easy to do nowadays. Therefore, arresting the dealer is considered more important.
Hasim also emphasized the importance of giving warnings or appeals to the public by the government, community leaders and religious leaders, considering that online and conventional gambling is influenced by the mindset of people who want to earn money instantly.
However, Hasim appreciated the efforts to eradicate online gambling carried out by the West Java Provincial Government, one of which was the issuance of Circular Letter from the Governor of West Java Number: 98/KPG.03.04/INSPT concerning the Prohibition of Online Gambling and Conventional Gambling.
The issuance of this circular letter is considered quite effective in eradicating online and conventional gambling, because there are sanctions and delegation of case handling to law enforcement officials, a prohibition on all ASN in West Java and BUMD employees from engaging in online and conventional gambling, as well as instructions for forming an internal team to handling online and conventional gambling cases.
The eradication of online and conventional gambling must be carried out comprehensively and involve all parties, not only the central government but also regional governments.
In facing this great challenge, it is important for all of us to unite and work together. With joint efforts, we can create an environment free from the dangers of online gambling. Let’s take care of ourselves and those closest to us, and report any suspicious activity. United, we can definitely eradicate online gambling and create a healthier and more productive society.

)* The author is a contributor to the Vimedia Pratama Institute

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