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Papuan Traditional Leaders Firmly Reject OPM


The issue of separatism promoted by the Free Papua Organization (OPM) is still a challenge that continues to be faced by the government and people of Papua. In the midst of this situation, a number of Papuan traditional figures have firmly voiced their rejection of the OPM and emphasized the importance of unity and integrity within the framework of the Republic of Indonesia.

Papuan traditional leaders have a very important role in the social and cultural life of the local community. They are respected and considered wise leaders in maintaining traditional values ​​and bridging relations between indigenous communities and the government. The firm statement by Papuan traditional leaders to reject the OPM shows their courage and commitment to the Republic of Indonesia and the welfare of the Papuan people.

Chair of the Indigenous Community Institution (LMA) of Sorong City, Southwest Papua, Fatrah M. Soeltief said the public must be alert to hoax news and provocations that continue to be spread by the OPM, such as taking advantage of the momentum of July 1 as West Papua National Committee Day (KNPB) to support independence West Papua from Indonesia.
The KNPB also frequently holds various activities, including demonstrations, rallies, and cultural events, to attract international attention and mobilize support for their cause. They also use this opportunity to commemorate important figures and events in the history of the West Papuan independence movement.

OPM’s actions do not represent the aspirations of the majority of Papuan people who want peace and development. According to him, violence and separatism only bring suffering to the Papuan people and hinder development in the region. He emphasized that the best solution for Papua is through dialogue and cooperation with the government to build a safe, prosperous and advanced Papua.

The OPM’s struggle using violence is contrary to Papuan traditional values ​​which uphold peace and mutual cooperation. The Papuan people need infrastructure development, education and health more than being involved in armed conflict. Fatrah M. Soeltief called on all Papuan people to unite in supporting development and rejecting all forms of detrimental violence.

Papuan Youth leader, Paul Ohee, said that the July 1 commemoration was just baseless propaganda attempted by the OPM, to threaten unity and integrity. The OPM movement not only has the potential to divide the nation, but also ignores prosperity and peace, which we have been fighting for together. According to him, armed resistance will not have a better impact in terms of resolving problems in Papua.

Paul also invited the entire community to play an active role in maintaining unity and rejecting all forms of propaganda that damage the integrity of the nation. So that all elements of the nation can build a more advanced and harmonious Indonesia, where every citizen feels the benefits of the unity and diversity that we have.

The Head of the Putali Village Tribe, Nulce Monim, said that his party strongly rejects any one-sided claims regarding July 1 which appears to be the OPM’s anniversary celebration. The reason is that Indonesia itself is a country that was born from struggle and was also established through drops of blood and great sacrifice of body and soul by heroes from various religious, ethnic and linguistic backgrounds.

The founders of the previous nation had put aside their various differences, especially group egoism, all for the sake of defending and being able to reclaim Mother Earth from the hands of the invaders at that time. All the activities or actions that OPM has carried out so far are a very real act of treason against the state, and this in no way brings prosperity to the Papuan people as they claim, but instead only causes division for the Indonesian nation and the people of Bumi Cenderawasih themselves who are already at peace. is in the bosom of the Republic of Indonesia.

The adamant leaders’ firm statement received support from the regional government, community organizations and the young generation of Papua. This support shows that the Papuan people in general desire peace and progress, and reject the violence and separatism promoted by the OPM. It is hoped that cooperation between traditional leaders, the government and the community can create a situation that is conducive to development and accelerate the achievement of prosperity in Papua.

The Indonesian government itself has committed to accelerating development in Papua through various programs and policies. One of them is the Papua Special Autonomy (Otsus) program which aims to give regional governments greater authority in managing development and public services. Apart from that, the central government also continues to strive to increase investment and infrastructure development in Papua, such as roads, bridges, airports and ports, to improve connectivity and accessibility in the region.

In the field of education, the government has established various educational facilities ranging from elementary schools to universities, as well as providing scholarships to Papuan students and students to continue their education to a higher level. In the health sector, construction of hospitals and community health centers (Puskesmas) continues to be carried out to ensure that the Papuan people receive adequate health services. All of these efforts show the government’s commitment to improving the quality of life and welfare of the Papuan people.

However, the success of development in Papua does not only depend on government efforts, but also on the active participation of all elements of society, including traditional leaders. Support and cooperation from traditional leaders is very important in the success of various development programs and creating peace in Papua. Therefore, the active role of traditional leaders in rejecting OPM and supporting development is very crucial.

The firm statement of Papuan traditional leaders in rejecting the OPM shows their commitment to unity and integrity within the framework of the Republic of Indonesia. They realize that violence and separatism will only bring suffering to the Papuan people and hinder development in the region. With strong support and cooperation between the government, traditional leaders and the community, Papua can achieve the peace and prosperity it desires. The community needs to work together to support the efforts of Papuan traditional leaders in maintaining unity and building a better Papua.

)* Students from Papua live in Bogor

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