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IKN Ready to Welcome the Indonesian Independence Day Ceremony


By : Lukman Keenan Adar )*

The National Capital (IKN) of the Archipelago is ready to welcome the 79th Independence Day (HUT) ceremony of the Republic of Indonesia (RI) on August 17 2024. Not a few parties think that the event will run very smoothly.

The 79th Independence Day (HUT) Ceremony of the Republic of Indonesia (RI) on August 17 2024 will present something different from usual, because it will be held directly in the National Capital (IKN) of the Archipelago.

Regarding the 79th Independence Day Ceremony of the Republic of Indonesia at IKN, quite a few people believe that it will be a grand event, very successful and smooth.

Acting Deputy Head of the IKN Authority, Raja Juli Antoni, assessed that the implementation of the 79th Indonesian Independence Day Ceremony at IKN would run smoothly, because this could not be separated from the role of the Acting Head of the IKN Authority, Basuki Hadimuljono.

Optimism continues to prevail, because of the capacity of the Minister of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR), which makes many parties believe that he will be able to lay a solid footing for anyone who will continue to lead the Nusantara National Capital Authority (IKN).

Of course it is not without reason why this optimism or confidence comes. The reason is, Basuki Hadimuljono himself is one of the trusted people of Indonesian President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) to be able to realize Indonesia’s great vision because he is a very fast learner.

In fact, in just a short time, he was able to identify, map and formulate concrete solutions to the problems in IKN. Apart from that, the Acting Head of OIKN is also a good listener. He is willing to listen to all complaints and discuss in a very humane manner without any boundaries between superiors and subordinates.

The man who is usually known as Pak Bas is also always oriented towards positive solutions. Every policy making that he undertakes must take place, run and be successful in resolving problems, then pushing through bottlenecks and untangling entanglements.

Therefore, with the entire leadership pattern of the PUPR Minister, the IKN development plan will proceed according to plan and optimism that the holding of the 79th Independence Day of the Republic of Indonesia ceremony there [on August 17 2024 will run very well.

Another readiness for the Indonesian Independence Ceremony to take place in the National Capital (IKN) of the Archipelago, East Kalimantan Province (Kaltim) comes from the Heritage Flag Raising Troop (Paskibraka) which will depart on August 10 and bring a duplicate of the heritage flag.

East Kalimantan Provincial Regional Secretary (Sekdaprov), Sri Wahyuni, revealed that paskibraka will receive assistance from escort officers. Their arrival received a welcome and reception from the Provincial Government (East Kalimantan Provincial Government) at Sultan Aji Muhammad Sulaiman Airport (SAMS) Sepinggan, Balikpapan.

The province of East Kalimantan itself is very ready to fully support the first annual event centered in the National Capital City (IKN) of the archipelago so that it can become a historic moment.

Even though this agenda is the responsibility of the Central Government, because its implementation concentrates on IKN which is part of the East Kalimantan Province region, the Provincial Government and all regencies/cities and local security forces also have responsibilities.

There will be many people full of enthusiasm to welcome the 79th Indonesian Independence Day Independence Ceremony. Even outside of invitations alone, the number of people who stated that they would attend had already reached 1,000 (one thousand) people.

So far, the preparations that have become the focus of attention are mobility and mass movement, then logistics availability, food availability, officialization of the cities/districts being crossed, and welcoming ceremonies for state guests and invited guests.

Meanwhile, the Head of the East Kalimantan Regional Police (Kapolda), Inspector General of Police (Irjen Pol) Nanang Avianto explained that the implementation of the 79th Indonesian Independence Day Ceremony at IKN itself was an honor and appreciation for the region.

Therefore, preparations are currently ongoing by all parties and continue to progress. This condition will also certainly make all people very enthusiastic to participate in making it a success.

For overall security in East Kalimantan, all regional committees are very ready to fully support the command of Kodam VI Mulawarman. In fact, since early August security preparations have been underway, including a procession to deliver duplicate red and white flags and the text of the proclamation.

Because the implementation of the 79th Indonesian Independence Day Ceremony will receive a warm and enthusiastic welcome from the public, security remains a collective concern, which means everyone is involved in the implementation, including during the ceremony.

In other words, in fact the National Capital (IKN) of the Archipelago in the Province of East Kalimantan (Kaltim) itself is very ready thanks to all the parties involved in welcoming the 79th Independence Day Ceremony (HUT) of the Republic of Indonesia (RI). . The public is also encouraged to make the IKN program a success so that the program can be completed on time.

)* The author is a contributor to the Persada Institute

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