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OPM Disturbances in Papua Cause Abnormal Life Activities


By: Debora Gobai

The Free Papua Movement (OPM) continues to carry out various kinds of disturbances, causing the living conditions of the people of Bumi Cenderawasih to be affected. Provocative actions to terror from this separatist group have caused the community to experience difficulties in carrying out daily activities.

The terrorist groups that are enemies of the country not only threaten security, but also try to cause instability in areas that should be safe. The presence of security forces TNI, Polri to BIN plays an important role in maintaining order and protecting civilians amidst these threats.

Major General Hariyanto, Head of the TNI Information Center, explained that the presence of security forces in Papua is to assist the government in improving development and community welfare.

However, the disruption caused by the OPM has caused life activities in several areas of Papua to become abnormal. The intimidation and violence of this separatist group has created fear among civilians, thus disrupting daily economic and social activities.

One real example of the disruption caused by the OPM is the burning of school buildings in Homeyo. This action not only damaged educational facilities, but also created a deep psychological impact on children and parents in the area.

In this context, children’s education is hampered, which will certainly affect the future of the younger generation in this region nicknamed Little Heaven at the tip of Indonesia.

In addition, in Paniai Regency, acts of violence carried out by the OPM forced thousands of residents to flee. This situation is very concerning, because it disrupts the normal life of the community and destroys hopes for a better future.

Kapendam XVII/Cenderawasih Lieutenant Colonel Inf Candra Kurniawan emphasized that although the situation was initially tense, the efforts of security forces succeeded in restoring conduciveness in the area.

Residents who previously took refuge in the church now feel safe and are asking to return to their homes. This shows that the hard work of the security forces in overcoming OPM disturbances has yielded positive results, so that the community can live a more peaceful life. This success is proof that collaboration between the authorities and the community is very important in creating a safer situation.

OPM’s actions that harm the community do not stop there. Recently, the group took hostage workers at Puncak, Central Papua. However, thanks to the active role of security forces, the hostages were released in a short time.

The success proves the commitment of the TNI-Polri in protecting the community and overcoming acts of terror that threaten daily life. This hostage-taking action, in addition to creating fear, also disrupts the ongoing development process in the area.

Colonel of Infantry Lukas Sadipun, Expert Staff of the Commander of the XVII/Cenderawasih Military Command, explained that the negotiation approach with the OPM was successfully carried out in about 30 minutes.

Although the situation in Puncak Papua Tengah is full of tension, dialogue is one method to ease tensions and ensure the safety of residents. In the future, his party plans to establish communication with local community leaders and traditional leaders. The goal is to create a constructive dialogue channel so that development in the area can proceed smoothly without interference from separatist groups.

The importance of a dialogue approach in this context cannot be overstated. In a tense situation, dialogue provides an opportunity for all parties to express their aspirations and concerns.

This approach also reduces the possibility of a more destructive open conflict. The Papuan people have the right to live a safe and prosperous life, and the security forces are committed to making that happen.

The disturbances carried out by the OPM have created abnormalities in the lives of the people in the region nicknamed the Little Heaven at the tip of Indonesia. The presence of security forces is expected not only as law enforcers, but also as protectors and partners in development. By prioritizing a humanist approach, the TNI-Polri are trying to provide new hope for the Papuan people who have long suffered from prolonged conflict.

In a broader context, it is important for the government to continue to prioritize infrastructure development and public services in Papua. This will have a significant positive impact on improving the quality of life of the community, while reducing the appeal for separatist groups that rely on issues of dissatisfaction to recruit new members. Inclusive and equitable development is expected to change the face of Papua, making it a more prosperous and peaceful region.

The OPM’s actions that continue to disrupt community life activities require serious attention from the government and security forces. Efforts to overcome this disruption must be supported by all elements of society, including traditional leaders and local communities.

Through good cooperation, it is hoped that the situation in Papua can recover and the community can resume their normal lives. TNI-Polri is committed to continuing to provide security and comfort for the community, so that hopes for a better future can be realized.

With the commitment of the TNI, Polri to BIN and support from the government, the hope to restore Papua as a peaceful and prosperous region is getting stronger. The people of Bumi Cenderawasih have the right to live without fear, carry out their daily activities normally, and build a better future.

Through good cooperation between security forces and the community, it is hoped that disturbances from separatist groups can be minimized, so that life in Papua can return to normal.

*) Human Rights Consultant – Papua Civil Human Rights Forum

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