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Prabowo-Gibran’s Commitment to Improving the Welfare of Farmers and Fishermen


By: Saiful Munib *)

Prabowo Subianto and Gibran Rakabuming Raka’s commitment to improving the welfare of farmers and fishermen is one of the main focuses of the work agenda in the upcoming government. As a leadership pair who are considered capable of bringing significant change, Prabowo-Gibran emphasize the importance of strengthening the agriculture and fisheries sectors to support food security and the welfare of people in various regions of Indonesia.

Food sovereignty is a major concern in the Asta Cita Vision 2024-2029 initiated by Prabowo-Gibran, inspired by the views of Bung Karno and Tan Malaka. Prabowo-Gibran view the importance of independence that is fully reflected in the lives of the people, especially farmers, fishermen, and rural communities. As an agricultural country, development is focused on rural areas with the aim of improving the welfare of farmers and rural communities through sustainable food self-sufficiency efforts.

Prabowo-Gibran places food independence as a top priority in efforts to achieve an advanced Indonesia. And is committed to continuing the agrarian reform agenda that has been implemented by President Jokowi, with a plan to distribute 9 million hectares of land as part of increasing agricultural sector production. Revitalization of damaged land to be productive is attempted to plant commodities such as sugar palm, sweet potato, sago, and bioethanol raw materials. This step is not only intended to create new jobs but also strengthen national energy sovereignty.

In addition, the pair also plan a marine and coastal fisheries program that supports increased fisheries yields and involves fishermen in partnerships to obtain capital and larger vessels to serve the exclusive economic zone (EEZ). The target for increasing the area of ​​food crop harvests is 4 million hectares by 2029.

Prabowo Subianto emphasized that the agriculture and fisheries sectors are the backbone of the national economy. According to him, farmers and fishermen have an important role in maintaining food stability which has a direct impact on the quality of life of the wider community. To that end, Prabowo is committed to improving the agriculture and fisheries infrastructure and ensuring a more efficient distribution of production results.

Gibran Rakabuming Raka, who brings the spirit of young leadership, added that technological innovation will be an important pillar in strengthening both sectors. The use of modern technology, such as smart irrigation, environmentally friendly cultivation techniques, and digital market access for farmers and fishermen, is considered capable of increasing productivity and community income. Gibran also conveyed the importance of training and mentoring for farmers and fishermen so that they can adapt to the times and be able to compete in the global market.

Furthermore, social protection programs for farmers and fishermen are also a major concern in the Prabowo-Gibran leadership. Strong protection, such as agricultural and fisheries insurance, as well as easy access to credit, can provide better welfare guarantees for the community. This step is expected to provide certainty and peace of mind in facing the risks that often haunt this sector, such as crop failure, extreme weather, or market price fluctuations.

In a statement delivered by a member of the Prabowo-Gibran Synchronization Task Force Team, Budisatrio Djiwandono, Prabowo-Gibran’s commitment to ensuring the welfare of Indonesian farmers and fishermen was reaffirmed. According to Budisatrio, as Prabowo Subianto had said, the welfare of farmers and fishermen cannot only depend on market mechanisms, but must be the responsibility of the government.

Budisatrio also emphasized that one of the first steps that Prabowo-Gibran will take is to eliminate bad debts that burden small farmers and fishermen. This step is considered important to ease the burden and allow for development. In addition, the government under Prabowo-Gibran also promised to guarantee the availability of fertilizer, land ownership, and maintain competitive selling prices for harvests. Prabowo-Gibran also plans to evaluate the Farmer Card, especially in Central Java, to ensure that farmers have direct access to fertilizer and seeds.

Not only that, Prabowo-Gibran will also develop land ownership credit so that farmers have their own land. The government will guarantee that the purchase price of the harvest by the government provides a minimum profit of 30 percent for farmers. Furthermore, production costs will be reduced by lowering bank interest for capital credit, as well as ensuring the availability of fertilizers and pesticides directly to farmers without going through many intermediaries.

In Prabowo-Gibran’s view, the welfare of farmers and fishermen is not only important for the economy, but also to maintain the social integrity of the nation. Equal welfare will strengthen social stability and reduce inequality that has been a challenge in various regions. Through collaboration between the government, society, and the private sector, this vision can be realized well.

Prabowo and Gibran have shown a strong commitment to fighting for the rights of farmers and fishermen through various planned programs that are expected to provide a significant and sustainable positive impact on the welfare of farmers and fishermen throughout Indonesia.

With all the potential that exists, the incoming government is optimistic that the future of the agriculture and fisheries sector will be brighter. The commitment to continue to accompany and fight for the rights of farmers and fishermen is a real manifestation of the vision of leadership that sides with the people, in order to create prosperity that is evenly distributed throughout the country.

*) Researcher/Political Observer from Indonesia Satu Institute (ISI)

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