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Security Forces Have an Important Role in Maintaining the Conduciveness of the 2024 Regional Elections


By : Fabian Aditya Pratama )*

In the 2024 Simultaneous Regional Head Elections (Pilkada) which will take place soon, President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) again emphasized the importance of the strategic role of security forces such as the TNI, Polri, and the State Intelligence Agency (BIN) in maintaining state stability. Not only as security guards, these two institutions have a big responsibility in ensuring a smooth government transition, especially in times full of uncertainty such as elections.

In a briefing given to high-ranking TNI and Polri officials in the Indonesian capital (IKN), East Kalimantan, the President emphasized that the synergy between these two institutions is a crucial factor in maintaining security, especially ahead of the upcoming Pilkada and government transition.

To the Indonesian people, this is an invitation to remain calm and believe that the stability of the country is in the hands of the right institutions. The TNI and Polri, with their capacity and professionalism, will ensure that the entire process runs smoothly and peacefully.

Their involvement is a guarantee that Indonesian democracy can develop well, without the threat of conflict that could damage the order that has been built.

President Jokowi underlined that the TNI and Polri have an important task in ensuring stability is maintained, both during the regional elections and the transition of government from himself to the elected President, Prabowo Subianto.

This warning is not without reason, considering the long history of Indonesian democracy which is often characterized by political tensions, especially in areas that have a high potential for conflict.

Against this background, Jokowi emphasized that a peaceful government transition must be a top priority. This is not only related to the smooth inauguration of the elected president and vice president, but also to the regional election process which will determine new leaders at the regional level, be they governors, regents or mayors.

The TNI and Polri are required to take proactive steps in anticipating all forms of potential disturbances that could damage the democratic process. This includes threats from groups who may want to take advantage of the situation to create chaos, as well as domestic disturbances related to unhealthy political competition.

Not only at the national level, the President’s instructions are also aimed at security forces in the regions, especially those who have the potential to face greater security challenges. A concrete example can be seen from the synergy that has existed between the Jayapura Police and the TNI in Papua, where this collaboration aims to maintain security and public order (Kamtibmas) throughout the 2024 Pilkada stages.

Jayapura Police Chief, AKBP Umar Nasatekay, emphasized that cooperation between the police, TNI, regional government and community is very necessary in maintaining security stability in the region. This was done through a roll call for troops in the context of Operation Mantap Praja Cartenz 2024, the main focus of which is on securing the regional elections. This operation reflects the National Police’s preparedness in ensuring that the democratic process takes place safely, smoothly and peacefully. This operation will continue until the entire regional election series is complete, starting from the campaign, voting, to determining the final results.

Umar also emphasized that potential conflicts in several areas need to be anticipated with appropriate steps. Tighter monitoring and patrols in areas considered prone to conflict are an important part of the security strategy implemented.

History shows that regional elections, especially in areas that are vulnerable to conflict, often become hot spots for various political interests. It is not only competition between candidates that is in the spotlight, but also socio-political dynamics in the regions that can trigger tensions.

This makes the involvement of the TNI and Polri even more crucial in overseeing the process. Wide and complex security challenges, as stated by the Jayapura Police Chief, require comprehensive and coordinated handling. It cannot be denied that security stability is an absolute requirement for economic growth and sustainable development.

President Jokowi, in his speech, touched on countries in the Middle East which until now have not been able to develop because they are trapped in prolonged conflict. This message is very relevant for Indonesia, which is currently in the process of massive development, both in the fields of infrastructure, economy and human resources.

The involvement of the TNI and Polri in maintaining state stability is not only for political interests, but also to ensure that national development can proceed without obstacles. Without stable security, economic growth will be hampered, and development will not proceed as it should.

Therefore, synergy between the TNI and Polri in maintaining security during the 2024 regional elections is an integral part of efforts to maintain national growth and development.

In the midst of ever-changing political dynamics, one thing that is certain is the need for security stability. The TNI and Polri play a key role in maintaining stability, both in the regional election process and in government transitions. President Jokowi has emphasized the importance of synergy between these two institutions, and the hope of all Indonesian people lies in their professionalism.

With the 2024 Pilkada approaching, the public is invited to participate actively and maintain peace. Together with the TNI and Polri, we can ensure that this democratic process takes place safely, peacefully and smoothly, for the sake of a better future for Indonesia.

)* Contributor to Nawasena Institute

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