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Drugs Threaten Young Generation, President Prabowo’s Government Increases National Supervision


Jakarta – The emergency drug situation that threatens the younger generation has become a serious concern under the administration of President Prabowo Subianto.

Coordinating Minister for Political and Security Affairs (Menko Polkam), Budi Gunawan, said that the prevalence rate of drug abuse in Indonesia throughout 2024 had reached 3.3 million people, with the majority of users being teenagers aged 15 to 24 years.

“Indonesia is experiencing a drug emergency. Drug use is not only happening in big cities but also in small towns,” said Budi Gunawan.

To address this threat, the government continues to strengthen prevention and enforcement measures.

According to Budi, President Prabowo’s direction is very clear, namely to eradicate drugs massively through education, public campaigns, and firm legal action.

“We are intensifying the campaign and education on the dangers of drugs to the community, starting from school children, students, to other groups. We utilize various platforms so that this message reaches all levels of society,” explained Budi.

Enforcement measures are also strengthened by the implementation of the Money Laundering Crime Law (TPPU) to track and block the flow of funds related to drug trafficking.

In addition, the government is reviewing the acceleration of the execution of the death penalty for drug convicts whose sentences have permanent legal force.

“There should be no room for drug trafficking, including those controlled from within correctional institutions. We are reviewing the acceleration of the execution of the death penalty for drug lords whose sentences have been finalized,” he said.

At the regional level, various initiatives have also been undertaken to combat drugs.

Acting Governor of North Sumatra, Agus Fatoni, led the Clean Drug Movement (Bersinar) involving 4,500 volunteers and the Forkopimda.

“All ASN and the community must be examples in fighting drugs. If this is implemented, the golden generation of 2045 will be easier to realize,” he said.

Meanwhile, the Yogyakarta Police recorded an increase in drug cases among teenagers. In one month, they arrested 13 suspects related to drugs.

Yogyakarta Police Public Relations Officer, AKP Sujarwo, appealed to parents to be more involved in their children’s lives.

“Parents must be friends with their children so that they feel comfortable talking and asking for help,” he said.

The synergy between the central government, regional governments, and the community is expected to make Indonesia a “killing ground” for drug dealers, as conveyed by Budi Gunawan.

“Let us unite to fight drugs,” he said. []

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